
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 160건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
In Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 2009 189:193-198
Academic Journal
Van Egeren, D.Kohli, K.Catalano, P.Michor, F.Johnson, B.Li, Y.Sholl, L.Beaudoin, R.Biswas, R.Cerami, E.Cushing, O.Dand, D.Ducar, M.Gusev, A.Hahn, W.C.Haigis, K.Hassett, M.Janeway, K.A.Jänne, P.Jawale, A.Johnson, J.Kehl, K.L.Kumari, P.Laucks, V.Lepisto, E.Lindeman, N.Lindsay, J.Lueders, A.Macconaill, L.Manam, M.Mazor, T.Miller, D.Newcomb, A.Orechia, J.Ovalle, A.Postle, A.Quinn, D.Reardon, B.Rollins, B.Shivdasani, P.Tramontano, A.Van Allen, E.Van Nostrand, S.C.Warner, J.L.Bedard, P.L.Riely, G.Schrag, D.Arcila, M.E.Benayed, R.Berger, M.F.Bhuiya, M.Brannon, A.R.Brown, S.Chakravarty, D.Chu, C.de Bruijn, I.Galle, J.Gao, J.Gardos, S.Gross, B.Kundra, R.Kung, A.L.Ladanyi, M.Lavery, J.A.Li, X.Lisman, A.Mastrogiacomo, B.McCarthy, C.Nichols, C.Ochoa, A.Panageas, K.S.Philip, J.Pillai, S.Riely, G.J.Rizvi, H.Rudolph, J.Sawyers, C.L.Schrag, D.Schultz, N.Schwartz, J.Sheridan, R.Solit, D.Wang, A.Wilson, M.Zehir, A.Zhang, H.Zhao, G.Lepisto, E.Kehl, K.L.LeNoue-Newton, M.Fiandalo, M.Foti, M.Khotskaya, Y.Lee, J.Peters, N.Sweeney, S.Abraham, J.Brenton, J.D.Caldas, C.Doherty, G.Nimmervoll, B.Pinilla, K.Martin, J.-E.Rueda, O.M.Sammut, S.-J.Silva, D.Cao, K.Heath, A.P.Li, M.Lilly, J.MacFarland, S.Maris, J.M.Mason, J.L.Morgan, A.M.Resnick, A.Welsh, M.Zhu, Y.Bell, J.Datto, M.B.Green, M.Hubbard, C.McCall, S.J.Mettu, N.B.Strickler, J.H.Andre, F.Besse, B.Deloger, M.Dogan, S.Italiano, A.Loriot, Y.Ludovic, L.Michels, S.Scoazec, J.Tran-Dien, A.Vassal, G.Freeman, C.E.Hsiao, S.J.Ingham, M.Pang, J.Rabadan, R.Roman, L.C.Carvajal, R.DuBois, R.Ahmed, L.Bedard, P.L.Bruce, J.P.Chow, H.Cooke, S.Del Rossi, S.Felicen, S.Hakgor, S.Jagannathan, P.Kamel-Reid, S.Krishna, G.Leighl, N.Lu, Z.Nguyen, A.Oldfield, L.Plagianakos, D.Pugh, T.J.Rizvi, A.Sabatini, P.Shah, E.Singaravelan, N.Siu, L.Srivastava, G.Stickle, N.Stockley, T.Tang, M.Virtaenen, C.Watt, S.Yu, C.Bernard, B.Bifulco, C.Cramer, J.L.Lee, S.Piening, B.Reynolds, S.Slagel, J.Tittel, P.Urba, W.VanCampen, J.Weerasinghe, R.Acebedo, A.Guinney, J.Guo, X.Hunter-Zinck, H.Yu, T.Dang, K.Anagnostou, V.Baras, A.Brahmer, J.Gocke, C.Scharpf, R.B.Tao, J.Velculescu, V.E.Alexander, S.Bailey, N.Gold, P.Bierkens, M.de Graaf, J.Hudeček, J.Meijer, G.A.Monkhorst, K.Samsom, K.G.Sanders, J.Sonke, G.ten Hoeve, J.van de Velde, T.van den Berg, J.Voest, E.Steinhardt, G.Kadri, S.Pankhuri, W.Wang, P.Segal, J.Moung, C.Espinosa-Mendez, C.Martell, H.J.Onodera, C.Quintanar Alfaro, A.Sweet-Cordero, E.A.Talevich, E.Turski, M.Van’t Veer, L.Wren, A.Aguilar, S.Dienstmann, R.Mancuso, F.Nuciforo, P.Tabernero, J.Viaplana, C.Vivancos, A.Anderson, I.Chaugai, S.Coco, J.Fabbri, D.Johnson, D.Jones, L.Li, X.Lovly, C.Mishra, S.Mittendorf, K.Wen, L.Yang, Y.J.Ye, C.Holt, M.LeNoue-Newton, M.L.Micheel, C.M.Park, B.H.Rubinstein, S.M.Stricker, T.Wang, L.Warner, J.Guan, M.Jin, G.Liu, L.Topaloglu, U.Urtis, C.Zhang, W.D’Eletto, M.Hutchison, S.Longtine, J.Walther, Z.
In: Scientific Reports. (Scientific Reports, December 2022, 12(1))
Academic Journal
In: The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. (The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 1 April 2022, 381(1):42-53)
In: Certainty and Ambiguity in Global Mystery Fiction: Essays on the Moral Imagination. (Certainty and Ambiguity in Global Mystery Fiction: Essays on the Moral Imagination, 8 February 2024, :29-44)
Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC00 (Cat. No.00TH8512) Evolutionary computation Evolutionary Computation, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on. 1:285-292 vol.1 2000
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[AR] Wren, A.
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