
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 152건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Green, Melinda A.. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US, mgreen@cornellcollege.edu; Willis, Mary. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US; Fernandez-Kong, Kristen. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US; Reyes, Shuhan. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US; Linkhart, Ruby. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US; Johnson, Molly. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US; Thorne, Tyler. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US; Kroska, Emily. Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Iowa, IA, US; Woodward, Halley. Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Iowa, IA, US; Lindberg, Jessica. Cornell College Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Research Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, US
Health Psychology, Vol 36(4), Apr, 2017. pp. 346-355.
Academic Journal
Willis, Mary / 29 S.C. Law. 45 (2017-2018) / South Carolina Lawyer, Vol. 29, Issue 3 (November 2017), pp. 45-58
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[AR] Willis, Mary
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