에서 검색결과 14건 | 목록
Bittencourt, J.C.; Oliveira, J.R.; Nascimento, A.; Tutu, R.; Jesus, L.R.; Rojas, G.; Matos, D.; Fialho, L.; Lima, A.; Nascimento, E.G.S.; Souza, J.M.; Furtado, A.; Oliveira, W.L.
2019 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC) H2RC Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC), 2019 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on. :50-58 Nov, 2019
Academic Journal
Mao, F.; Miller, J.D.; Young, S.L.; Santoso, M.V.; Owuor, P.M.; Krause, S.; Hannah, D.M.; Brewis, A.; Wutich, A.; Maupin, J.; Ghorbani, M.; Schuster, R.C.; Trowell, A.; Pearson, A.L.; Boivin, M.J.; Sullivan, A.; Stoler, J.; Rosinger, A.Y.; Hagaman, A.; Hawley, N.; Workman, C.; Staddon, C.; Tshala-Katumbay, D.; Krishnakumar, D.; Srivastava, S.; Adams, E.; Sánchez-Rodriguez, E.C.; Carrillo, G.; Jepson, W.; Asiki, G.; Ghattas, H.; Eini-Zinab, H.; Sheikhi, M.; Omidvar, N.; Melgar-Quiñonez, H.; Samayoa-Figueroa, L.; Ahmed, F.; Moran-Martinez, J.; Escobar-Vargas, J.; Triviño, N.; Mathad, J.; Chapman, K.; Maes, K.; Alexander, M.; Freeman, M.C.; Morales, M.M.; Balogun, M.; Tutu, R.; Rasheed, S.; Collins, S.M.; Cole, S.; Tesfaye, Y.; Jamaluddine, Z.
In: Nature Communications . (Nature Communications, December 2022, 13(1))
Academic Journal
Stoler, J.; Sullivan, A.; Miller, J.D.; Adams, E.A.; Ahmed, F.; Alexander, M.; Asiki, G.; Balogun, M.; Boivin, M.J.; Brewis, A.; Ghorbani, M.; Maupin, J.; Schuster, R.C.; Wutich, A.; Carrillo, G.; Chapman, K.; Cole, S.; Collins, S.M.; Escobar-Vargas, J.; Eini-Zinab, H.; Omidvar, N.; Sheikhi, M.; Freeman, M.C.; Hagaman, A.; Hawley, N.; Jamaluddine, Z.; Jepson, W.E.; Krishnakumar, D.; Srivastava, S.; Maes, K.; Mathad, J.; Owuor, P.M.; Santoso, M.V.; Young, S.L.; Morales, M.M.; Morán-Martínez, J.; Pearson, A.L.; Rasheed, S.; Rosinger, A.Y.; Samayoa-Figueroa, L.; Sánchez-Rodríguez, E.C.; Staddon, C.; Tesfaye, Y.; Trowell, A.; Tshala-Katumbay, D.; Tutu, R.; Workman, C.L.
In: Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development . (Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 1 November 2021, 11(6):1102-1110)
Academic Journal
Pearson, A.L.; Mack, E.A.; Bunting, E.L.; Ross, A.; Marcantonio, R.; Zimmer, A.; Evans, T.; Smith, A.C.; Miller, J.D.; Collins, S.M.; Santoso, M.V.; Young, S.L.; Mbullo, P.; Balogun, M.; Adams, E.; Stoler, J.; Tshala-Katumbay, D.; Boivin, M.J.; Maes, K.; Tesfaye, Y.; Trowell, A.; Freeman, M.C.; Tutu, R.; Asiki, G.
In: Water (Switzerland) . (Water (Switzerland), 1 May 2021, 13(9))
Academic Journal
Stoler, J.; Sullivan, A.; Miller, J.D.; Brewis, A.; Wutich, A.; Ghorbani, M.; Maupin, J.; Schuster, R.C.; Freeman, M.C.; Harris, L.M.; Shah, S.H.; Jepson, W.; Carrillo, G.; Pearson, A.L.; Boivin, M.J.; Rosinger, A.Y.; Staddon, C.; Workman, C.; Young, S.L.; Owuor, P.M.; Santoso, M.V.; Adams, E.; Ahmed, F.; Alexander, M.; Asiki, G.; Balogun, M.; Chapman, K.; Cole, S.; Collins, S.M.; Eini-Zinab, H.; Omidvar, N.; Sheikhi, M.; Escobar-Vargas, J.; Triviño, N.; Ghattas, H.; Jamaluddine, Z.; Hagaman, A.; Hawley, N.; Krishnakumar, D.; Srivastava, S.; Maes, K.; Mathad, J.; Melgar-Quiñonez, H.; Samayoa-Figueroa, L.; Morales, M.M.; Moran, J.; Rasheed, S.; Sánchez-Rodriguez, E.C.; Trowell, A.; Tshala-Katumbay, D.; Tutu, R.; Tesfaye, Y.
In: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health . (International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, May 2021, 234)
Academic Journal
Young, S.L.; Miller, J.D.; Frongillo, E.A.; Boateng, G.O.; Jamaluddine, Z.; Neilands, T.B.; Brewis, A.; Wutich, A.; Maupin, J.; Ghorbani, M.; Schuster, R.C.; Trowell, A.; Pearson, A.L.; Boivin, M.J.; Sullivan, A.; Stoler, J.; Rosinger, A.Y.; Hagaman, A.; Workman, C.; Staddon, C.; Cole, S.; Tshala-Katumbay, D.; Krishnakumar, D.; Srivastava, S.; Adams, E.; Sánchez-Rodriguez, E.C.; Carrillo, G.; Jepson, W.; Asiki, G.; Ghattas, H.; Eini-Zinab, H.; Sheikhi, M.; Omidvar, N.; Melgar-Quiñonez, H.; Samayoa-Figueroa, L.; Ahmed, J.F.; Moran-Martinez, J.; Vonk, J.; Escobar-Vargas, J.; Triviño, N.; Mathad, J.; Chapman, K.; Maes, K.; Alexander, M.; Santoso, M.V.; Owuor, P.M.; Collins, S.M.; Freeman, M.C.; Morales, M.M.; Balogun, M.; Hawley, N.; Tutu, R.; Rasheed, S.; Tesfaye, Y.
In: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene . (American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 6 January 2021, 104(1):391-394)
Academic Journal
In: African Geographical Review . (African Geographical Review, December 2020, 39(4):398-404)
Academic Journal
Brewis, A.; Wutich, A.; Workman, C.; Jepson, W.; Young, S.; Adams, E.; Ahmed, J.F.; Alexander, M.; Balogun, M.; Boivin, M.; Carrillo, G.; Chapman, K.; Cole, S.; Collins, S.; Figueroa, L.; Freeman, M.; Gershim, A.; Ghattas, H.; Hagaman, A.; Jamaluddine, Z.; Tshala-Katumbay, D.; Krishnakumar, D.; Maes, K.; Mathad, J.; Maupin, J.; Mbullo, P.; Miller, J.; Muslin, I.M.; Niesluchowski, M.; Omidvar, N.; Pearson, A.; Melgar-Quiñonez, H.; Sanchez-Rodríguez, C.; Rosinger, A.; Santoso, M.V.; Schuster, R.; Srivastava, S.; Staddon, C.; Stoler, J.; Sullivan, A.; Tesfaye, Y.; Triviño, N.; Trowell, A.; Tutu, R.; Escobar-Vargar, J.; Zinab, H.
In: American Journal of Human Biology . (American Journal of Human Biology, 1 January 2020, 32(1))
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Futures Studies . (Journal of Futures Studies, 1 September 2018, 23(1):55-76)
Academic Journal
In: Emotion, Space and Society . (Emotion, Space and Society, May 2013, 7(1):13-25)
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