에서 검색결과 10건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Prescott, R.D.; Onouye, C.T.; Handel, C.; Saito, J.A.; Lawson, B.N.; Hiura, K.; Sager, K.; Sadones, M.; Donachie, S.P.; Chan, Y.L.; Tong, E.J.; Hill, E.C.; Bunn, F.; Cockell, C.S.; Santomartino, R.; Lo, C.-C.; Davenport, K.; Johnson, S.; Flynn, M.; Chain, P.S.G.; Lee, H.; Esibill, D.; Wong, K.; Decho, A.W.
In: Astrobiology . (Astrobiology, 1 December 2023, 23(12):1348-1367)
Academic Journal
In: JMIR Public Health and Surveillance . (JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, April 2021, 7(4))
Academic Journal
In: BMJ Open . (BMJ Open, 5 March 2021, 11(3))
Academic Journal
In: Limnology and Oceanography . (Limnology and Oceanography, March 01, 2016, 61(2):543-557)
Academic Journal
In: Limnology and Oceanography . (Limnology and Oceanography, In Press, 2016)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Periodontology . (Journal of Periodontology, January 2016, 87(1):e1-e8)
Academic Journal
Mora, C.; Frazier, A.G.; Longman, R.J.; Sanchez, J.J.; Kaiser, L.R.; Stender, Y.O.; Giuseffi, L.M.; Giambelluca, T.W.; Dacks, R.S.; Walton, M.M.; Anderson, J.M.; Ambrosino, C.M.; Tong, E.J.; Fernandez-Silva, I.
In: Nature . (Nature, 2013, 502(7470):183-187)
Academic Journal
Wang, J.; Na, J.-K.; Gschwend, A.R.; Han, J.; Zeng, F.; Aryal, R.; VanBuren, R.; Murray, J.E.; Chen, C.; Ming, R.; Yu, Q.; Tong, E.J.; Wai, C.M.; Singh, R.; Wang, M.-L.; Moore, P.H.; Zhang, W.; Jiang, J.; Navajas-Pérez, R.; Feltus, F.A.; Lemke, C.; Paterson, A.H.; Min, X.J.; Alam, M.; Charlesworth, D.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 21 August 2012, 109(34):13710-13715)
Academic Journal
Gschwend, A.R.; Zeng, F.; Han, J.; VanBuren, R.; Aryal, R.; Ming, R.; Yu, Q.; Tong, E.J.; Moore, P.H.; Charlesworth, D.; Paterson, A.H.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 21 August 2012, 109(34):13716-13721)
Academic Journal
Mora, C.; Frazier, A.G.; Longman, R.J.; Sanchez, J.J.; Kaiser, L.R.; Stender, Y.O.; Giuseffi, L.M.; Giambelluca, T.W.; Dacks, R.S.; Walton, M.M.; Anderson, J.M.; Ambrosino, C.M.; Tong, E.J.; Fernandez-Silva, I.
In: Nature . (Nature, 2014, 511(7507):E5-E6)
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[AR] Tong, E.J.
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