에서 검색결과 177건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Kappelman, J.; Todd, L.C.; Davis, C.A.; Nachman, B.A.; Klehm, C.; Witzel, A.; Mattox, S.; Porter, K.; Santillan, P.; Kocurek, G.A.; Feseha, M.; Getahun, A.; Kay, M.; Negash, A.; Tabor, N.J.; Tewabe, D.; Wang, H.; Yirga, S.; Crowell, J.W.; Fanuka, M.F.; Melton, S.M.; Plummer, M.C.; Riordan, K.J.; Trombetta, L.M.; Bodansky, M.; Elliott, C.; Ford, N.J.; Ingram, B.H.; de la Cruz Medina, K.; Roberts, A.; Sollenberger, A.; Sponholtz, J.; Valdes, J.; Wyman, L.; Yanny, S.; Cerling, T.E.; Yang, D.; Negash, T.; Assefa, E.; Endalamaw, M.; Mulubrhan, G.; Yadeta, M.; Johnsen, R.; Ren, M.; Smith, E.I.; Pante, M.; Millonig, S.; Thompson, A.K.; O’Brien, K.; Dalmas, D.; Myers, T.S.; Rosenau, N.A.; Habtie, T.; Hirniak, J.N.; Campisano, C.J.; Marean, C.W.; Loewen, N.D.; Skinner, A.; Haney, Y.L.; Jackson, J.; Melaku, S.; Getachew, T.; Desta, A.A.; Foster, F.
In: Nature . (Nature, 11 April 2024, 628(8007):365-372)
Academic Journal
Rasoazanamparany, C.; Widom, E.; Valentine, G.A.; Smith, E.I.; Cortés, J.A.; Kuentz, D.; Johnsen, R.
In Chemical Geology 18 March 2015 397:76-93
Academic Journal
Bernstein, D.A.; Uruena-Agnes, A.R.; Cameron, E.L.; Khanna, M.M.; McGee, J.; Smith, E.I.; Bihun, J.T.; McBride, E.; Stanley, C.M.; Lamana-Finn, K.
In: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology . (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2023)
Academic Journal
In: Mental Health, Religion and Culture . (Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 2023, 26(2):194-208)
Academic Journal
Bankard, J.; Yoon, D.P.; Smith, E.I.; Cohen, D.; Bruininks, P.; Edman, L.R.O.; Witvliet, C.V.O.; Johnstone, B.
In: Religion, Brain and Behavior . (Religion, Brain and Behavior, 2023, 13(4):368-378)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community . (Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 2023, 51(1):23-40)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma . (Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, December 2021, 14(4):493-505)
Academic Journal
In: Review of Religious Research . (Review of Religious Research, September 2021, 63(3):381-409)
Academic Journal
In: Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London . (Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, May 2021, 21(3):228-230)
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