에서 검색결과 50건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Berk, Paul D.; Bessler, Marc; Daud, Amna; Lobdell, Harrison, IV; Mwelu, Jemela; Schrope, Beth; Ude, Akuezunkpa; Honohan, Jamie; Capasso, Michelle; Costa, Ricardo; Dakin, Greg; Ebel, Faith; Gagner, Michel; Hsieh, Jane; Pomp, Alfons; Strain, Gladys; Bowden, Rita; Chapman, William; Cundiff, Blair; Ball, Mallory; Cunningham, Emily; Dohm, Lynis; Pender, John; Pories, Walter; Barker, Jennifer; Howell, Michael; Garcia, Luis; Lancaster, Kathy; Lovaas, Erika; Mitchell, James E.; Monson, Tim; Cassady, Chelsea; Coburn, Emily; Moher, Emily; Deveney, Clifford; Elder, Katherine; Greene, Stefanie; Purnell, Jonathan; O’Rourke, Robert; Sorenson, Chad; Wolfe, Bruce M.; Patterson, Emma; Raum, William; VanDerWerff, Lisa; Kwiatkowski, Jason; Courcoulas, Anita P.; Gourash, William; McCloskey, Carol A.; Ramanathan, Ramesh; Kalarchian, Melissa; Marcus, Marsha; Shirley, Eleanor; Turo, Angela; Flum, David R.; Dellinger, E. Patchen; Khandelwal, Saurabh; Stewart, Skye D.; Cooley, Morgan M.; Blissell, Rebecca; Miller, Megan J.; Thirlby, Richard; Chang, Lily; Hunter, Jeffrey; Moonka, Ravi; Ng, Debbie; Belle, Steven H.; King, Wendy C.; Martin, Debbie; Mercurio, Rocco; Wahed, Abdus; Averbach, Frani; Horlick, Mary; Miles, Carolyn W.; Staten, Myrlene A.; Yanovski, Susan Z.; Kleiner, David E.; Fischer, Laura E.; Fino, Nora; Elman, Miriam R.; Pories, Walter J.; Purnell, Jonathan Q.; Patti, Mary-Elizabeth
In Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases October 2021 17(10):1787-1798
Academic Journal
In American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology August 2022 227(2):360-362
Academic Journal
Vesco, Kimberly; Marshall, Nicole; Baetscher, Eric; Leo, Michael; Rooney, William; Francisco, Melanie; Baker, Eric; King, Janet; Catalano, Patrick; Frias, Antonio; Purnell, Jonathan
The Journal of Nutrition. 152(4)
Academic Journal
In Current Developments in Nutrition June 2020 4 Supplement 2
Academic Journal
Fischer, Laura E., M.D., M.S.; Wolfe, Bruce M., M.D.; Fino, Nora, M.S.; Elman, Miriam R., M.P.H., M.S.; Flum, David R., M,D., M.P.H.; Mitchell, James E., M.D.; Pomp, Alfons, M.D.; Pories, Walter J., M.D.; Purnell, Jonathan Q., M.D.; Patti, Mary-Elizabeth, M.D.; Berk, Paul D., M.D.; Bessler, Marc, M.D.; Daud, Amna; Lobdell, Harrison, IV; Mwelu, Jemela; Schrope, Beth, M.D., Ph.D.; Ude, Akuezunkpa, M.D.; Honohan, Jamie, B.A.; Capasso, Michelle, B.A.; Costa, Ricardo, B.S.; Dakin, Greg, M.D.; Ebel, Faith, R.D., M.P.H.; Gagner, Michel, M.D.; Hsieh, Jane, B.S.; Strain, Gladys, Ph.D.; Bowden, Rita, R.N.; Chapman, William, M.D., FACS; Cundiff, Blair, B.S.; Ball, Mallory, B.S.; Cunningham, Emily, B.A.; Dohm, Lynis, Ph.D.; Pender, John, M.D.; Pories, Walter, M.D., FACS; Barker, Jennifer, M.B.A.; Howell, Michael, M.D.; Garcia, Luis, M.D., FACS, M.B.A.; Lancaster, Kathy, B.A.; Lovaas, Erika, B.S.; Monson, Tim, M.D.; Cassady, Chelsea, B.S.; Coburn, Emily, M.P.H.; Moher, Emily, M.P.H.; Deveney, Clifford, M.D.; Elder, Katherine, Ph.D.; Greene, Stefanie; Purnell, Jonathan, M.D.; O’Rourke, Robert, M.D.; Sorenson, Chad; Patterson, Emma, M.D.; Raum, William, M.D.; VanDerWerff, Lisa, P.A.C.; Kwiatkowski, Jason, P.A.C.; Courcoulas, Anita P., M.D., M.P.H., FACS; Gourash, William, M.S.N., C.R.N.P.; McCloskey, Carol A., M.D.; Ramanathan, Ramesh, M.D.; Kalarchian, Melissa, Ph.D.; Marcus, Marsha, Ph.D.; Shirley, Eleanor, M.A.; Turo, Angela, B.S.; Dellinger, E. Patchen, M.D.; Khandelwal, Saurabh, M.D.; Stewart, Skye D., M.S., CCRC; Cooley, Morgan M.; Blissell, Rebecca; Miller, Megan J., MEd; Thirlby, Richard, M.D.; Chang, Lily, M.D.; Hunter, Jeffrey, M.D.; Moonka, Ravi, M.D.; Ng, Debbie, M.P.H., M.A.; Belle, Steven H., Ph.D., M.Sc.Hyg.; King, Wendy C., Ph.D.; Martin, Debbie, B.A.; Mercurio, Rocco, M.B.A.; Wahed, Abdus, Ph.D.; Averbach, Frani, M.P.H., R.D.N.; Horlick, Mary, M.D.; Miles, Carolyn W., Ph.D.; Staten, Myrlene A., M.D.; Yanovski, Susan Z., M.D.; Kleiner, David E., M.D., Ph.D.
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 17(10):1787-1798
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Social Computing Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT) and 2011 IEEE Third Inernational Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on. :756-759 Oct, 2011
Academic Journal
Hays, Sara; Lee, Christopher S; Roberts Davis, Mary; Gupta, Nandita C; Hiatt, Shirin O; Purnell, Jonathan; Winters, Kerri; Denfeld, Quin E
Circulation. Nov 08, 2022 146(Suppl_1 Suppl 1):A13620-A13620
Cole, Nathan; Newberg, Heidi Jo; Magdon-Ismail, Malik; Desell, Travis; Dawsey, Kristopher; Hayashi, Warren; Xinyang; Liu; Purnell, Jonathan; Szymanski, Boleslaw; Varela, Carlos; Willett, Benjamin; Wisniewski, James
Astrophys.J. 683 (2008) 750
Academic Journal
Menke, Marie; King, Wendy; White, Gretchen; Gosman, Gabriella; Courcoulas, Anita; Dakin, Gregory; Flum, David; Orcutt, Molly; Pomp, Alfons; Pories, Walter; Purnell, Jonathan; Steffen, Kristine; Wolfe, Bruce; Yanovski, Susan
In Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases August 2016 12(7) Supplement:S5-S6
Academic Journal
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