에서 검색결과 80건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Stebbins, Karin J.; Broadhead, Alex R.; Correa, Lucia D.; Scott, Jill M.; Truong, Yen P.; Stearns, Brian A.; Hutchinson, John H.; Prasit, Peppi; Evans, Jilly F.; Lorrain, Daniel S.
In European Journal of Pharmacology 2010 638(1):142-149
Academic Journal
Lorrain, Daniel S.; Bain, Gretchen; Correa, Lucia D.; Chapman, Charles; Broadhead, Alex R.; Santini, Angelina M.; Prodanovich, Patricia P.; Darlington, Janice V.; Stock, Nicholas S.; Zunic, Jasmine; King, Christopher D.; Lee, Catherine; Baccei, Christopher S.; Stearns, Brian; Roppe, Jeffrey; Hutchinson, John H.; Prasit, Peppi; Evans, Jilly F.
In European Journal of Pharmacology 2010 640(1):211-218
Academic Journal
Treonze, Kelly M.; Alves, Kenneth; Fischer, Paul; Hagmann, William K.; Hora, Donald; Kulick, Alison; Vakerich, Ken; Smith, Nicholas D.; Lingham, Russell B.; Maniar, Salony; Reger, Thomas S.; Zunic, Jasmine; Munoz, Benito; Prasit, Peppi; Nicholson, Donald; Si, Qian; Judd, Keith; Nicolich, Susan; Kellerhouse, Patricia; Thompson, Donald; Mumford, Richard A.
In Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 2009 130(1):79-87
Academic Journal
Zhao, Dalian; Xu, Feng; Chen, Cheng-yi; Tillyer, Rich D.; Grabowski, Edward J.J.; Reider, Paul J.; Black, Cameron; Ouimet, Nathalie; Prasit, Peppi
In Tetrahedron 1999 55(19):6001-6018
Academic Journal
Jeong, Nakcheol; Prasit, Peppi; Kim, Jung-Hee; Lee, Misun; Sim, Heewoo; Kim, Ryoon Ho; Pak, Bo-Yeong
Journal of Hepatology. 77:S866-S867
Academic Journal
Bravo, Yalda; Baccei, Christopher S.; Broadhead, Alex; Bundey, Richard; Chen, Austin; Clark, Ryan; Correa, Lucia; Jacintho, Jason D.; Lorrain, Daniel S.; Messmer, Davorka; Stebbins, Karin; Prasit, Peppi; Stock, Nicholas
In Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 15 May 2014 24(10):2267-2272
Academic Journal
Jeong, Nakcheol; Prasit, Peppi; Kim, Jung-Hee; Lee, Misun; Pak, Bo-Yeong; Ahn, Sojin; Lee, Gil Won; Min, Seohyun; Lee, Sanghyeok; Yoon, Yeup; Kang, Wonseok; Kim, Hyeree
Journal of Hepatology. 77:S489-S489
Academic Journal
Scott, Jill M.; Baccei, Christopher; Bain, Gretchen; Broadhead, Alex; Evans, Jilly F.; Fagan, Patrick; Hutchinson, John H.; King, Christopher; Lorrain, Daniel S.; Lee, Catherine; Prasit, Peppi; Prodanovich, Pat; Santini, Angelina; Stearns, Brian A.
In Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2011 21(21):6608-6612
Academic Journal
Stock, Nicholas; Volkots, Deborah; Stebbins, Karin; Broadhead, Alex; Stearns, Brian; Roppe, Jeffrey; Parr, Timothy; Baccei, Christopher; Bain, Gretchen; Chapman, Charles; Correa, Lucia; Darlington, Janice; King, Christopher; Lee, Catherine; Lorrain, Daniel S.; Prodanovich, Pat; Santini, Angelina; Evans, Jilly F.; Hutchinson, John H.; Prasit, Peppi
In Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2011 21(3):1036-1040
Academic Journal
Stock, Nicholas; Baccei, Christopher; Bain, Gretchen; Chapman, Charles; Correa, Lucia; Darlington, Janice; King, Christopher; Lee, Catherine; Lorrain, Daniel S.; Prodanovich, Pat; Santini, Angelina; Schaab, Kevin; Evans, Jilly F.; Hutchinson, John H.; Prasit, Peppi
In Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 1 August 2010 20(15):4598-4601
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