에서 검색결과 30건 | 목록
Leveraging T cell anti-tumor immunity to enhance the efficacy of Ras inhibition in pancreatic cancer
Academic Journal
Dalton, Tanner; Wasko, Urszula; Curiel-Garcia, Alvaro; Sastra, Stephen; Palermo, Carmine; Hasselluhn, Marie; Olive, Kenneth
Payen, Thomas; Saharkhiz, Niloufar; Palermo, Carmine; Sastra, Steve; Olive, Kenneth; Konofagou, Elisa
2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2017 IEEE International. :1-1 Sep, 2017
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Venkat, Swati; Tisdale, Arwen A.; Schwarz, Johann R.; Alahmari, Abdulrahman; Maurer, H. Carlo; Olive, Kenneth; Eng, Kevin H.; Feigin, Michael E.
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Shakya, Reena; Gonda, Tamas; Quante, Michael; Salas, Martha; Kim, Samuel; Brooks, Jenna; Hirsch, Steffen; Davies, Justine; Cullo, Angelica; Olive, Kenneth; Wang, Timothy C.; Szabolcs, Matthias; Tycko, Benjamin; Ludwig, Thomas
Academic Journal
Bapiro, Tashinga; Richards, Frances; Goldgraben, Mae; Olive, Kenneth; Madhu, Basetti; Frese, Kristopher; Cook, Natalie; Jacobetz, Michael; Smith, Donna-Michelle; Tuveson, David; Griffiths, John; Jodrell, Duncan
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Journal of Investigative Medicine (Sage Publications Inc.); Sep2005, Vol. 53 Issue 6, p305-311, 7p
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Academic Journal
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Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound. June 30, 2015, Vol. 3
Academic Journal
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[AR] Olive, Kenneth
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