에서 검색결과 4건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Lovdel, A.; Suchacki, K.J.; Roberts, F.; Sulston, R.J.; Thomas, B.J.; Bell, R.M.B.; Cervera, I.P.; Morton, N.M.; Homer, N.Z.M.; Chapman, K.E.; Cawthorn, W.P.; Wallace, R.J.; Macpherson, G.J.
In: Journal of Endocrinology . (Journal of Endocrinology, August 2024, 262(2))
The effects of caloric restriction on adipose tissue and metabolic health are sex-and age-dependent.
Academic Journal
Suchacki, K.J.; Thomas, B.J.; Ikushima, Y.M.; Chen, K.-C.; Tavares, A.A.S.; Sulston, R.J.; Lovdel, A.; Woodward, H.J.; Han, X.; Mattiucci, D.; Brain, E.J.; Alcaide-Corral, C.J.; Gray, G.A.; Stimson, R.H.; Morton, N.M.; Cawthorn, W.P.; Fyfe, C.; Johnstone, A.M.; Kobayashi, H.; Whitfield, P.D.
In: eLife . (eLife, 2023, 12)
Academic Journal
Suchacki, K.J.; Tavares, A.A.S.; Mattiucci, D.; Sinton, M.C.; Ramage, L.E.; McDougald, W.A.; Lovdel, A.; Sulston, R.J.; Thomas, B.J.; Nicholson, B.M.; Drake, A.J.; Alcaide-Corral, C.J.; Said, D.; Dweck, M.R.; Andrews, J.P.M.; Williams, M.C.; Morton, N.M.; Stimson, R.H.; Cawthorn, W.P.; Poloni, A.; Cinti, S.; Scheller, E.L.; Papanastasiou, G.; Gray, C.; van Beek, E.J.R.; Macpherson, G.J.; Wallace, R.J.; MacDougald, O.A.
In: Nature Communications . (Nature Communications, 1 December 2020, 11(1))
Academic Journal
Suchacki, K.J.; Lovdel, A.; Morton, N.M.; Cawthorn, W.P.; Roberts, F.; Farquharson, C.; MacRae, V.E.
In: Journal of Endocrinology . (Journal of Endocrinology, 1 July 2017, 234(1):R67-R79)
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[AR] Lovdel, A.
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