에서 검색결과 16건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Ercan, C.; Eppenberger-Castori, S.; Kordy, K.; Zhou, X.; Mesenbrink, P.; Knuuttila, A.; Kumar, D.; Koponen, V.; Amini, P.; Pedrosa, M.C.; Terracciano, L.M.
In: Virchows Archiv . (Virchows Archiv, 2024)
Academic Journal
Clark, M.; Romano, C.; Olayinka-Amao, O.; Whalley, D.; Crawford, R.; Pathak, P.; Brindicci, C.; Garg, K.; Everhard, F.; Patalano, F.; Naujoks, C.; Marvel, J.; Keininger, D.L.; Kordy, K.; Roesler, Z.; Sutton, T.; Göransson, O.; Landles, R.
In: Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes . (Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, December 2022, 6(1))
Academic Journal
In: Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science . (Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science, September 2021, 55(5):1082-1095)
Academic Journal
Kordy, K.; Li, F.; Lee, D.J.; Zabih, S.; Saavedra, M.; Woodward, C.; Cunningham, N.J.; Tobin, N.H.; Aldrovandi, G.M.; Kinchen, J.M.; Jew, M.H.; La Rocque, M.E.
In: Frontiers in Microbiology . (Frontiers in Microbiology, 12 August 2021, 12)
Academic Journal
In: Investment Management and Financial Innovations . (Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 8 September 2020, 17(3):97-110)
Academic Journal
Kordy, K.; Li, F.; Cerini, C.; Lee, D.J.; Adisetiyo, H.; Pannaraj, P.S.; Gaufin, T.; Mwangi, M.; Woodward, C.; Tobin, N.H.; Aldrovandi, G.M.
In: PLoS ONE . (PLoS ONE, 1 January 2020, 15(1))
Academic Journal
In: Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science . (Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science, 1 September 2019, 53(5):567-578)
Academic Journal
Shapiro, W.L.; Yu, E.L.; Arin, J.C.; Joshi, S.; Goyal, N.P.; Harlow, K.E.; Newton, K.P.; Schwimmer, J.B.; Murray, K.F.; Ali, S.; Desai, N.K.; Xanthakos, S.A.; Lin, H.C.; Alkhouri, N.; Abdou, R.; Abrams, S.H.; Butler, M.W.; Faasse, S.A.; Hadley, T.A.; Gillis, L.A.; Jain, A.K.; Kavan, M.; Pohl, J.F.; Kordy, K.; Lee, P.; Panganiban, J.; Potter, C.; Rudolph, B.; Sundaram, S.S.; Proudfoot, J.A.
In: Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition . (Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 2019, 68(2):182-189)
Academic Journal
Kordy, K.; Romeo, A.C.; Lee, D.J.; Li, F.; Zabih, S.; Saavedra, M.; Cunningham, N.J.; Tobin, N.; Aldrovandi, G.M.
In: Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition . (Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 1 September 2018, 67(3):e60-e63)
Human Semen or Seminal Plasma Does Not Enhance HIV-1 BaL Ex Vivo Infection of Human Colonic Explants
Academic Journal
In: AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses . (AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, May 2018, 34(5):459-466)
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[AR] Kordy, K.
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