에서 검색결과 76건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Nouhin, J.; Bollore, K.; Castera-Guy, J.; Prak, S.; Heng, S.; Kerleguer, A.; Rubbo, P.A.; Rouet, F.; Tuaillon, E.
In Journal of Clinical Virology November 2018 108:53-58
Academic Journal
In Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation November 2012 31(11):850-856
Academic Journal
De Lauzanne, A.; Sreng, N.; Chon, T.; Yem, C.; Hak, V.; Heng, S.; Soda, M.; Inghammar, M.; Kerleguer, A.; Borand, L.; Foucaud, E.; Piola, P.; Sok, T.; Gouali, M.; Vray, M.; Hello, S.L.; Guillemot, D.; Huynh, B.T.; Nadimpalli, M.; Rabenandrasana, M.A.N.; Collard, J.M.; Delarocque-Astagneau, E.; Zo, A.Z.; Diatta, M.; Diouf, J.B.; Sarr, F.D.; Faye, J.; Goyet, S.; Herindrainy, P.; Kermorvant-Duchemin, E.; Lach, S.; Ngo, V.; Padget, M.; Rakotoarimanana, F.M.J.; Raheliarivao, B.T.; Randrianirina, F.; Seck, A.; Tarantola, A.; Youssouf, A.A.
In: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy . (Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 1 October 2022, 77(10):2658-2666)
Academic Journal
Jung, Y.-J.; Sarr, F.D.; Vray, M.; Huynh, B.-T.; Guillemot, D.; Seck, A.; Bercion, R.; Herindrainy, P.; Diouf, J.-B.; Andrianirina, Z.Z.; Firon, A.; Trieu-Cuot, P.; Goyet, S.; Collard, J.-M.; Delarocque-Astagneau, E.; Borand, L.; Diatta, M.; Dieye, P.S.; Faye, J.; Garin, B.; Sow, A.G.; Kerleguer, A.; Kermorvant-Duchemin, E.; Lach, S.; de Lauzanne, A.; Ndao, B.; Ndiaye, A.; Ngo, V.; Padget, M.; Piola, P.; Manitra, F.; Rakotoarimanana, J.; Raheliarivao, B.T.; Randrianirina, F.; Richard, V.; Seguy, M.; Sy, B.; Tarantola, A.; Touch, S.; Watier, L.; Youssouf, A.A.
In: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene . (American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, November 2021, 105(5):1339-1346)
Academic Journal
Taylor, W.R.J.; Kheng, S.; Muth, S.; Mukaka, M.; Kim, S.; Tor, P.; Kerleguer, A.; Christophel, E.; Kevin Baird, J.; Luzzatto, L.; Menard, D.
In: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases . (PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, September 2021, 15(9))
Academic Journal
Noel, G.; Guiso, N.; Taieb, F.; Borand, L.; Leng, C.; Keang, C.; Botr, C.; Dim, B.; Kerleguer, A.; Sreng, N.; Peng, Y.S.; Ork, V.; Ait-Ahmed, M.
In: International Journal of Infectious Diseases . (International Journal of Infectious Diseases, May 2021, 106:134-139)
Academic Journal
Cheng, S.; Kerléguer, A.; Delvallez, G.; Hide, M.; Nguyen, T.V.A.; Bañuls, A.-L.; Pheng, S.H.; Mao, T.E.; Sam, S.
In: Infection and Drug Resistance . (Infection and Drug Resistance, 2021, 14:1089-1104)
Academic Journal
Huynh, B.-T.; Delarocque-Astagneau, E.; Guillemot, D.; Passet, V.; Hennart, M.; Rodrigues, C.; Brisse, S.; Rakotondrasoa, A.; Garin, B.; Collard, J.-M.; Diallo, T.; Seck, A.; Bercion, R.; Kerleguer, A.; Lauzanne, A.D.; Borand, L.; Herindrainy, P.; Pardos de la Gandara, M.; Vray, M.
In: Gut Microbes . (Gut Microbes, 2 September 2020, 11(5):1287-1299)
Academic Journal
In: BioMed Research International . (BioMed Research International, 2020, 2020)
Academic Journal
Nouhin, J.; Prak, S.; Dussart, P.; Rouet, F.; Iwamoto, M.; Maman, D.; Dousset, J.-P.; Le Paih, M.; Phon, K.; Heng, S.; Kerleguer, A.
In: Scientific Reports . (Scientific Reports, 1 December 2019, 9(1))
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[AR] Kerleguer, A.
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