에서 검색결과 10건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Castellini-Pérez, O.; Povedano, E.; Barturen, G.; Martínez-Bueno, M.; López-Domínguez, R.; Marañón, C.; Carnero-Montoro, E.; Alarcón-Riquelme, M.E.; Marañón, C.; Muchmore, B.; Iakovliev, A.; Spiliopoulou, A.; Kerick, M.; Martín, J.; Ballestar, E.; Borghi, M.O.; Qiu, W.; Zhu, C.; Shankara, S.; de Rinaldis, E.; Beretta, L.; Vigone, B.; Pers, J.-O.; Saraux, A.; Devauchelle-Pensec, V.; Cornec, D.; Jousse-Joulin, S.; Lauwerys, B.; Ducreux, J.; Maudoux, A.L.; Vasconcelos, C.; Tavares, A.; Neves, E.; Faria, R.; Brandão, M.; Campar, A.; Marinho, A.; Farinha, F.; Almeida, I.; Mantecón, M.A.G.-G.; Alonso, R.B.; Martínez, A.C.; Cervera, R.; Rodríguez-Pintó, I.; Espinosa, G.; Lories, R.; De Langhe, E.; Hunzelmann, N.; Belz, D.; Witte, T.; Baerlecken, N.; Stummvoll, G.; Zauner, M.; Lehner, M.; Collantes, E.; Castro, R.O.; Aguirre-Zamorano, M.A.; Escudero-Contreras, A.; Castro-Villegas, M.C.; Ortego, N.; Roldán, M.C.F.; Raya, E.; Moleón, I.J.; de Ramon, E.; Quintero, I.D.; Meroni, P.L.; Gerosa, M.; Schioppo, T.; Artusi, C.; Chizzolini, C.; Zuber, A.; Wynar, D.; Kovács, L.; Balog, A.; Deák, M.; Bocskai, M.; Dulic, S.; Kádár, G.; Hiepe, F.; Gerl, V.; Thiel, S.; Maresca, M.R.; López-Berrio, A.; Aguilar-Quesada, R.; Navarro-Linares, H.; Alvarez, M.; Chizzolini, C.; Dufour, A.; Alvarez-Errico, D.; Azevedo, N.; Neves, E.; Barbarroja, N.; Buttgereit, A.; Makowska, Z.; Cheng, Q.; Gerl, V.; Khodadadi, L.; Li, T.; Cremer, J.; De Groof, A.; Ducreux, J.; Lopez-Pedrera, C.; De Langhe, E.; Hernandez-Fuentes, M.; Kniesch, K.; Varela, N.; Witte, T.; Rouvière, B.; Simon, Q.; Trombetta, E.
In: npj Genomic Medicine . (npj Genomic Medicine, December 2024, 9(1))
Academic Journal
Goldmann, K.; Cubuk, C.; Pitzalis, C.; Lewis, M.J.; Spiliopoulou, A.; Iakovliev, A.; McKeigue, P.; Plant, D.; Nair, N.; Barton, A.; Barnes, M.R.
In: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases . (Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 18 November 2023, 83(3):288-299)
Academic Journal
Iakovliev, A.; Spiliopoulou, A.; McKeigue, P.M.; McGurnaghan, S.J.; Hayward, C.; Lipschutz, D.; Colhoun, H.M.; Colombo, M.
In: American Journal of Human Genetics . (American Journal of Human Genetics, 1 June 2023, 110(6):913-926)
Academic Journal
Fairfield, C.J.; Drake, T.M.; Pius, R.; Campbell, A.; Shaw, C.A.; Sudlow, C.; Harrison, E.M.; Bretherick, A.; Hayward, C.; Timmers, P.R.H.J.; Wilson, J.F.; Porteous, D.J.; Clark, D.W.; Joshi, P.K.; Fallowfield, J.; Henderson, N.C.; Ramachandran, P.; Iakovliev, A.; Spiliopoulou, A.; Mills, N.L.; Semple, R.K.; Wigmore, S.
In: Hepatology . (Hepatology, May 2022, 75(5):1081-1094)
In: Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 1: Statics and Stability . (Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 1: Statics and Stability, 11 June 2021, :17-42)
Academic Journal
Journal of Mechanical Engineering the National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'; 2016, Vol. 77, p108-118, 11p
Academic Journal
Journal of Mechanical Engineering the National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'; 2015, Vol. 74 Issue 2, p123-132, 10p
Academic Journal
In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series , ICBBB 2019 - 2019 9th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 7 January 2019, :67-74)
Academic Journal
Fairfield, C.; Drake, T.; Pius, R.; Bretherick, A.; Campbell, A.; Clark, D.; Fallowfield, J.; Hayward, C.; Henderson, N.; Iakovliev, A.; Joshi, P.; Mills, N.; Porteous, D.; Ramachandran, P.; Semple, R.; Shaw, C.; Sudlow, C.; Timmers, P.; Wilson, J.; Wigmore, S.; Spiliopoulou, A.; Harrison, E.
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[AR] Iakovliev, A.
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