에서 검색결과 26건 | 목록
Cestra, G; Castagnoli, L; Dente, L; Minenkova, O; Petrelli, A; Migone, N; Hoffmüller, U; Schneider-Mergener, J; Cesareni, G
Journal of Biological Chemistry; November 1999, Vol. 274 Issue: 45 p32001-7, 7p
Genes & Development; February 1988, Vol. 2 Issue: 2 p259-266, 8p
Journal of Biological Chemistry; September 1988, Vol. 263 Issue: 25 p12554-12558, 5p
Biochemical Journal; June 1991, Vol. 276 Issue: 2 p343-347, 5p
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; May 1987, Vol. 84 Issue: 10 p3141-3145, 5p
Electronic Resource
UCL - AGRO/MILA - Département des sciences du milieu et de l'aménagement du territoire; Della Vecchia, A; Ferrazzoli, P; Guerriero, L; Blaes, Xavier; Defourny, Pierre; Dente, L; Mattia, F.; Satalino, G.; Strozzi, T; Wegmuller, U; 4th International Symposium on the Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, no. 4, p. 778-790 (2006)
Academic Journal
Della Vecchia, A; Ferrazzoli, P; Guerriero, L; Blaes, X; Defourny, P; Dente, L; Mattia, F; Satalino, G; Strozzi, T; Wegmuller, U
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
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