
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 14건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
In: Perspectives on Psychological Science. (Perspectives on Psychological Science, September 2022, 17(5):1381-1403)
Academic Journal
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 5 October 2021, 118(40))
Academic Journal
Tierney, W.Uhlmann, E.L.Tey, K.S.Hardy, J.H.Leavitt, K.Ebersole, C.R.Hales, A.H.Yucel, M.Viganola, D.Clemente, E.G.Johannesson, M.Nobel, N.Gordon, M.Dreber, A.Pfeiffer, T.Abraham, A.T.Adamkovic, M.Adam-Troian, J.Anand, R.Arbeau, K.J.Awtrey, E.C.Azar, O.H.Daskalo, L.L.Daum-Avital, L.Friedmann, E.Zultan, R.Bahník, Š.Baník, G.Barbosa Mendes, A.Barger, M.M.Baskin, E.Bavolar, J.Berkers, R.M.W.J.Besco, R.Białek, M.Bonache, H.Boufkhed, S.Brandt, M.J.Jaeger, B.Rahal, R.-M.Sokolova, T.Butterfield, M.E.Byrd, N.Caton, N.R.Ceynar, M.L.Corcoran, M.Costello, T.H.Cramblet Alvarez, L.D.Cummins, J.Curry, O.S.Daniels, D.P.Day, M.V.Deeg, M.D.Dennehy, T.C.Dietl, E.Kombeiz, O.Dimant, E.Domurat, A.Idzikowska, K.du Plessis, C.Hartanto, A.Jha, N.Masters-Waage, T.C.Schaerer, M.Dubrov, D.Grigoryev, D.Elsherif, M.M.Engel, Y.Fellenz, M.R.Field, S.M.Firat, M.Freitag, R.M.K.Ghasemi, O.Goldberg, M.H.Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A.Graf-Vlachy, L.Griffith, J.A.Hafenbrädl, S.Hagmann, D.Han, H.Harman, J.L.Holding, B.C.Hopfensitz, A.Hüffmeier, J.Mazei, J.Schleu, J.E.Huntsinger, J.R.Innes-Ker, A.H.Jankowsky, K.Jarvis, S.N.Jimenez-Gomez, D.Jolles, D.Jozefiakova, B.Kačmár, P.Šafárik, J.Kappmeier, M.Kasper, M.Keller, L.Knapic, V.Knutsson, M.Kowal, M.Krekels, G.Lakens, D.Li, B.Lo, R.F.Ludwig, J.Marcus, J.C.Marsh, M.S.Martinoli, M.Martončik, M.Master, A.Seri, R.Mayiwar, L.Bishop, M.M.Laine, T.McCarthy, R.J.McCarthy, G.S.Mertens, S.Micheli, L.Miklikowska, M.Miron-Shatz, T.Montealegre, A.Moreau, D.Moret-Tatay, C.Negrini, M.Newall, P.W.S.Nilsonne, G.Niszczota, P.O'Mahony, A.Orhan, M.A.O'Shea, D.Oswald, F.E.Panning, M.Pantelis, P.C.Paruzel-Czachura, M.Pedersen, M.J.Pennycook, G.Plonsky, O.Polito, V.Price, P.C.Primbs, M.A.Protzko, J.Quayle, M.Rahman, Md.S.Redford, L.Reggev, N.Reynolds, C.J.Roczniewska, M.Ropovik, I.Ross, R.M.Roulet, T.J.Rowe, A.M.Saccardo, S.Samahita, M.Schuetze, B.A.Senftleben, U.Shtudiner, Z.Shuai, J.Sin, R.Singh, V.Singh, A.Song, V.Stafford, T.Stanulewicz, N.Stevens, S.M.Strømland, E.Stronge, S.Sweeney, K.P.Tannenbaum, D.Tepper, S.J.Ting, H.Tingen, I.W.Todorovic, A.Tse, H.M.Y.Tybur, J.M.Vineyard, G.H.Voslinsky, A.Vranka, M.A.Wai, J.Walker, A.C.Wallace, L.E.Wang, T.Werz, J.M.Woike, J.K.Wollbrant, C.E.Wright, J.D.Wu, S.J.Xiao, Q.Yaranon, P.B.Yeung, S.K.Yoon, S.Yu, K.Ziano, I.Øverup, C.S.
In: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, November 2020, 161:291-309)
Academic Journal
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 6 June 2017, 114(23):5964-5969)
Academic Journal
In: British Journal of Social Psychology. (British Journal of Social Psychology, 1 September 2014, 53(3):585-594)
Academic Journal
In: Psychology of Men and Masculinity. (Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 2014, 15(4):486-489)
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[AR] Dennehy, T.C.
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