에서 검색결과 234건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Berkhout, L.M.; Jacobs, D.C.; Braithwaite, R.; Gutierrez-Coatney, B.; Islam, A.; Beardsley, A.P.; Wright, A.
In: Physics Education . (Physics Education, 1 January 2024, 59(1))
Academic Journal
Kontos, A.P.; Trbovich, A.; Collins, M.W.; Thomas, D.G.; Eagle, S.R.; Braithwaite, R.; Preszler, J.; Manderino, L.; Turner, R.L.; Jennings, S.; Hickey, R.W.; McCrea, M.; Nelson, L.D.; Root, J.
In: American Journal of Sports Medicine . (American Journal of Sports Medicine, December 2023, 51(14):3893-3903)
Academic Journal
IEEE Microwave Magazine IEEE Microwave Microwave Magazine, IEEE. 21(12):34-46 Dec, 2020
Academic Journal
Cruickshank, G.S.; Ngoga, D.; Detta, A.; Green, S.; James, N.D.; Wojnecki, C.; Doran, J.; Hardie, J.; Chester, M.; Graham, N.; Ghani, Z.; Halbert, G.; Elliot, M.; Ford, S.; Braithwaite, R.; Sheehan, T.M.T.; Vickerman, J.; Lockyer, N.; Steinfeldt, H.; Croswell, G.; Chopra, A.; Sugar, R.; Boddy, A.
In Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2009 67(7) Supplement:S31-S33
Academic Journal
In: BJPsych Bulletin . (BJPsych Bulletin, 10 June 2022, 46(3):137-140)
Academic Journal
Nabunya, P.; Byansi, W.; Damulira, C.; Bahar, O.S.; Kiyingi, J.; Nabayinda, J.; Braithwaite, R.; Ssewamala, F.M.; Jennings Mayo-Wilson, L.; Tozan, Y.; Witte, S.S.
In: Psychiatry Research . (Psychiatry Research, April 2021, 298)
Chai, F.K.; Kyono, C.; Ilderem, V.; Kaneshiro, M.; Zupac, D.; Bigelow, S.; Ramiah, C.; Dahl, P.; Braithwaite, R.; Morgan, D.; Hildreth, S.; Grynkewich, G.
Proceedings of the 2000 BIPOLAR/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (Cat. No.00CH37124) Bipolar/BiCMOS circuits and technology Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000. :110-113 2000
Academic Journal
Zubok, V.; Cox, M.; Spohr, K.; Pechatnov, V.O.; Radchenko, S.; Sarotte, M.E.; Zhuravlev, S.; Scarborough, I.; Savranskaya, S.; Braithwaite, R.
In: Cold War History . (Cold War History, 2021, 21(4):541-599)
Proceedings. 1998 International Conference Software Engineering: Education and Practice (Cat. No.98EX220) Software engineering: education and practice Software Engineering: Education & Practice, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 International Conference. :353-358 1998
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[AR] Braithwaite, R.
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