
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 14건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Henderson, S.Abraham, W.Aleksandrov, A.Allen, C.Alonso, J.Anderson, D.Arenius, D.Arthur, T.Assadi, S.Ayers, J.Bach, P.Badea, V.Battle, R.Beebe-Wang, J.Bergmann, B.Bernardin, J.Bhatia, T.Billen, J.Birke, T.Bjorklund, E.Blaskiewicz, M.Blind, B.Blokland, W.Bookwalter, V.Borovina, D.Bowling, S.Bradley, J.Brantley, C.Brennan, J.Brodowski, J.Brown, S.Brown, R.Bruce, D.Bultman, N.Cameron, P.Campisi, I.Casagrande, F.Catalan-Lasheras, N.Champion, M.Chen, Z.Cheng, D.Cho, Y.Christensen, K.Chu, C.Cleaves, J.Connolly, R.Cote, T.Cousineau, S.Crandall, K.Creel, J.Crofford, M.Cull, P.Cutler, R.Dabney, R.Dalesio, L.Daly, E.Damm, R.Danilov, V.Davino, D.Davis, K.Dawson, C.Day, L.Deibele, C.Delayen, J.DeLong, J.Demello, A.DeVan, W.Digennaro, R.Dixon, K.Dodson, G.Doleans, M.Doolittle, L.Doss, J.Drury, M.Elliot, T.Ellis, S.Error, J.Fazekas, J.Fedotov, A.Feng, P.Fischer, J.Fox, W.Fuja, R.Funk, W.Galambos, J.Ganni, V.Garnett, R.Geng, X.Gentzlinger, R.Giannella, M.Gibson, P.Gillis, R.Gioia, J.Gordon, J.Gough, R.Greer, J.Gregory, W.Gribble, R.Grice, W.Gurd, D.Gurd, P.Guthrie, A.Hahn, H.Hardek, T.Hardekopf, R.Harrison, J.Hatfield, D.He, P.Hechler, M.Heistermann, F.Helus, S.Hiatt, T.Hicks, S.Hill, J.Hoff, L.Hoff, M.Hogan, J.Holding, M.Holik, P.Holmes, J.Holtkamp, N.Hovater, C.Howell, M.Hseuh, H.Huhn, A.Hunter, T.Ilg, T.Jackson, J.Jain, A.Jason, A.Jeon, D.Johnson, G.Jones, A.Joseph, S.Justice, A.Kang, Y.Kasemir, K.Keller, R.Kersevan, R.Kerstiens, D.Kesselman, M.Kim, S.Kneisel, P.Kravchuk, L.Kuneli, T.Kurennoy, S.Kustom, R.Kwon, S.Ladd, P.Lambiase, R.Lee, Y.Y.Leitner, M.Leung, K.-N.Lewis, S.Liaw, C.Lionberger, C.Lo, C.C.Long, C.Ludewig, H.Ludvig, J.Luft, P.Lynch, M.Ma, H.MacGill, R.Macha, K.Madre, B.Mahler, G.Mahoney, K.Maines, J.Mammosser, J.Mann, T.Marneris, I.Marroquin, P.Martineau, R.Matsumoto, K.McCarthy, M.McChesney, C.McGahern, W.McGehee, P.Meng, W.Merz, B.Meyer, R., Jr.Meyer, R., Sr.Miller, B.Mitchell, R.Mize, J.Monroy, M.Munro, J.Murdoch, G.Musson, J.Nath, S.Nelson, R.O׳Hara, J.Olsen, D.Oren, W.Oshatz, D.Owens, T.Pai, C.Papaphilippou, I.Patterson, N.Patterson, J.Pearson, C.Pelaia, T.Pieck, M.Piller, C.Plawski, T.Plum, M.Pogge, J.Power, J.Powers, T.Preble, J.Prokop, M.Pruyn, J.Purcell, D.Rank, J.Raparia, D.Ratti, A.Reass, W.Reece, K.Rees, D.Regan, A.Regis, M.Reijonen, J.Rej, D.Richards, D.Richied, D.Rode, C.Rodriguez, W.Rodriguez, M.Rohlev, A.Rose, C.Roseberry, T., Jr.Rowton, L.Roybal, W.Rust, K.Salazer, G.Sandberg, J.Saunders, J.Schenkel, T.Schneider, W.Schrage, D.Schubert, J.Severino, F.Shafer, R.Shea, T.Shishlo, A.Shoaee, H.Sibley, C.Sims, J.Smee, S.Smith, J.Smith, K.Spitz, R.Staples, J.Stein, P.Stettler, M.Stirbet, M.Stockli, M.Stone, W.Stout, D.Stovall, J.Strelo, W.Strong, H.Sundelin, R.Syversrud, D.Szajbler, M.Takeda, H.Tallerico, P.Tang, J.Tanke, E.Tepikian, S.Thomae, R.Thompson, D.Thomson, D.Thuot, M.Treml, C.Tsoupas, N.Tuozzolo, J.Tuzel, W.Vassioutchenko, A.Virostek, S.Wallig, J.Wanderer, P.Wang, Y.Wang, J.G.Wangler, T.Warren, D.Wei, J.Weiss, D.Welton, R.Weng, J.Weng, W-T.Wezensky, M.White, M.Whitlatch, T.Williams, D.Williams, E.Wilson, K.Wiseman, M.Wood, R.Wright, P.Wu, A.Ybarrolaza, N.Young, K.Young, L.Yourd, R.Zachoszcz, A.Zaltsman, A.Zhang, S.Zhang, W.Zhang, Y.Zhukov, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1 November 2014 763:610-673
12th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams. BEAMS'98. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX103) High-power particle beams High-Power Particle Beams, 1998. BEAMS '98. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on. 2:869-872 vol.2 1998
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. (International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, March 2020, 116)
(Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1 November 2014, 307:239-246)
Academic Journal
Badea, V.Beebe-Wang, J.Blaskiewicz, M.Brennan, J.Brodowski, J.Cameron, P.Catalan-Lasheras, N.Connolly, R.Davino, D.Dawson, C.Delong, J.Fedotov, A.Feng, P.Hahn, H.He, P.Heistermann, F.Hseuh, H.Huhn, A.Jackson, J.Jain, A.Kesselman, M.Lambiase, R.Lee, Y.Y.Liaw, C.Ludewig, H.Mahler, G.Marneris, I.McGahern, W.Meng, W.Pai, C.Papaphilippou, I.Pearson, C.Rank, J.Raparia, D.Sandberg, J.Severino, F.Smith, J.Smith, K.Spitz, R.Tepikian, S.Tsoupas, N.Tuozzolo, J.Wanderer, P.Wei, J.Weiss, D.Weng, J.Weng, W.-T.Zaltsman, A.Zhang, S.Zhang, W.Arenius, D.Bookwalter, V.Creel, J.Daly, E.Davis, K.Delayen, J.Dixon, K.Drury, M.Elliot, T.Fischer, J.Funk, W.Ganni, V.Gordon, J.Hiatt, T.Hogan, J.Hovater, C.Kneisel, P.Macha, K.Madre, B.Mahoney, K.Mammosser, J.Merz, B.Musson, J.Nelson, R.Oren, W.Plawski, T.Powers, T.Preble, J.Rode, C.Saunders, J.Schneider, W.Stirbet, M.Sundelin, R.Whitlatch, T.Wilson, K.Wiseman, M.Wu, A.Bergmann, B.Bernardin, J.Bhatia, T.Billen, J.Birke, T.Bjorklund, E.Blind, B.Borovina, D.Bowling, S.Bradley, J.Brown, S.Brown, R.Bultman, N.Chen, Z.Christensen, K.Cote, T.Dabney, R.Dalesio, L.Day, L.Doss, J.Ellis, S.Fox, W.Garnett, R.Gentzlinger, R.Gillis, R.Gioia, J.Gregory, W.Gribble, R.Guthrie, A.Hardekopf, R.Harrison, J.Hill, J.Hill, J.Ilg, T.Jason, A.Joseph, S.Kerstiens, D.Kurennoy, S.Kwon, S.Lynch, M.Marroquin, P.Martineau, R.Matsumoto, K.McChesney, C.McGehee, P.Meyer Jr., R.Meyer Sr., R.Miller, B.Mitchell, R.Nath, S.Nelson, R.O'Hara, J.Patterson, N.Pieck, M.Power, J.Prokop, M.Reass, W.Rees, D.Regan, A.Rej, D.Richards, D.Rodriguez, W.Rodriguez, M.Rohlev, A.Rose, C.Rowton, L.Roybal, W.Salazer, G.Schrage, D.Shafer, R.Shoaee, H.Sims, J.Smee, S.Stein, P.Stettler, M.Stovall, J.Takeda, H.Tallerico, P.Thomson, D.Thuot, M.Treml, C.Tuzel, W.Wang, Y.Wangler, T.Warren, D.Wood, R.Young, K.Young, L.Abraham, W.Alonso, J.Ayers, J.Bach, P.Cheng, D.Cull, P.Demello, A.Digennaro, R.Doolittle, L.Gough, R.Greer, J.Hoff, L.Hoff, M.Keller, R.Kuneli, T.Leitner, M.Leung, K.-N.Lewis, S.Lionberger, C.Lo, C.C.Ludvig, J.Luft, P.Macgill, R.Monroy, M.Oshatz, D.Pruyn, J.Ratti, A.Regis, M.Reijonen, J.Schenkel, T.Staples, J.Strelo, W.Syversrud, D.Szajbler, M.Thomae, R.Virostek, S.Wallig, J.Ybarrolaza, N.Yourd, R.Zachoszcz, A.Henderson, S.Aleksandrov, A.Anderson, D.Arthur, T.Battle, R.Blokland, W.Brantley, C.Bruce, D.Campisi, I.Casagrande, F.Champion, M.Champion, M.Chu, C.Cleaves, J.Cousineau, S.Crofford, M.Cutler, R.Damm, R.Danilov, V.Deibele, C.Devan, W.Dodson, G.Doleans, M.Error, J.Fazekas, J.Fuja, R.Galambos, J.Geng, X.Giannella, M.Gibson, P.Grice, W.Gurd, D.Gurd, P.Hatfield, D.Hechler, M.Helus, S.Hicks, S.Holding, M.Holik, P.Holmes, J.Holtkamp, N.Howell, M.Hunter, T.Jeon, D.Johnson, G.Jones, A.Justice, A.Kang, Y.Kasemir, K.Kersevan, R.Kim, S.Kravchuk, L.Kustom, R.Ladd, P.Long, C.Ma, H.Maines, J.Mann, T.McCarthy, M.Mize, J.Munro, J.Murdoch, G.Olsen, D.Owens, T.Patterson, J.Pelaia, T.Piller, C.Plum, M.Pogge, J.Purcell, D.Reece, K.Richied, D.Roseberry Jr., T.Rust, K.Schubert, J.Shea, T.Shishlo, A.Sibley, C.Stockli, M.Stone, W.Stout, D.Strong, H.Tang, J.Tanke, E.Thompson, D.Vassioutchenko, A.Wang, J.G.Welton, R.Wezensky, M.Williams, D.Williams, E.Wright, P.Zhang, Y.Zhukov, A.Cho, Y.White, M.Allen, C.Assadi, S.Crandall, K.Hardek, T.
In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1 November 2014, 763:610-673)
In: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, Proceedings of 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2020. (IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, 26 October 2020, 2020-October:1065-1069)
2008 50th International Symposium ELMAR; 2008, p285-288, 4p
In: IET Conference Publications. (IET Conference Publications, 2018, 2018(CP759))
In: ENERGYCON 2014 - IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2014 - IEEE International Energy Conference. (ENERGYCON 2014 - IEEE International Energy Conference, 2014, :1520-1525)
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[AR] Borovina, D.
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