에서 검색결과 91건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Sparks, R.; Rachmaninoff, N.; Lau, W.W.; Hirsch, D.C.; Bansal, N.; Martins, A.J.; Liu, C.C.; Failla, L.E.; Mostaghimi, D.; Tsang, J.S.; Chen, J.; Cheung, F.; Biancotto, A.; Fantoni, G.; Sellers, B.A.; Farmer, R.; Kotliarov, Y.; Chawla, D.G.; Kleinstein, S.H.; Howe, K.N.; Palmer, C.; Daub, J.; Foruraghi, L.; Kreuzburg, S.; Treat, J.D.; Uzel, G.; Freeman, A.F.; Zerbe, C.S.; Holland, S.M.; Calvo, K.R.; Urban, A.K.; Jones, A.; Romeo, T.; Deuitch, N.T.; Moura, N.S.; Aksentijevich, I.; Pinto-Patarroyo, G.P.; Hoffmann, P.; Stone, D.L.; Ombrello, A.K.; Kastner, D.L.; Weinstein, B.; Townsley, D.M.; Young, N.S.; Moir, S.; Ferrucci, L.; Barron, K.S.; Frischmeyer-Guerrerio, P.A.; Cudrici, C.D.
In: Nature Medicine . (Nature Medicine, September 2024, 30(9):2461-2472)
Academic Journal
Romano, M.; Arici, Z.S.; Piskin, D.; Alehashemi, S.; Aletaha, D.; Barron, K.S.; Kastner, D.L.; Benseler, S.; Twilt, M.; Berard, R.; Broderick, L.; Dedeoglu, F.; Diebold, M.; Durrant, K.L.; Rivera, D.; Ferguson, P.; Foell, D.; Hausmann, J.; Jones, O.Y.; Lachmann, H.J.; Laxer, R.M.; Ruperto, N.; Simon, A.; Frenkel, J.; Hoffman, H.; De Jesus, A.A.; Kuemmerle-Deschner, J.B.; Ozen, S.; Gattorno, M.; Goldbach-Mansky, R.; Demirkaya, E.
In: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases . (Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1 July 2022, 81(7):907-921)
Academic Journal
Barron, K.S.; Bergerson, J.; Aksentijevich, I.; Deuitch, N.T.; Stone, D.L.; Hoffmann, P.; Videgar-Laird, R.; Nehrebecky, M.; Romeo, T.; Jones, A.; McRae, E.; Moura, N.S.; Schnappauf, O.; Rosenzweig, S.; Kastner, D.L.; Ombrello, A.K.; Soldatos, A.; Toro, C.; Cudrici, C.; Boehm, M.; Brofferio, A.; Kanakry, J.A.; Dimitrova, D.; Calvo, K.R.; Alao, H.; Kapuria, D.; Ben-Yakov, G.; Heller, T.; Pichard, D.C.; Hathaway, L.; Cowen, E.W.
In: Frontiers in Immunology . (Frontiers in Immunology, 10 January 2022, 12)
In: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Volume 1-2 . (Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Volume 1-2, 1 January 2024, :1536-1537.e1)
Academic Journal
Schwartz, D.M.; Kitakule, M.M.; Blackstone, S.A.; Burma, A.M.; Son, A.; Komarow, H.; Frischmeyer-Guerrerio, P.; Dizon, B.L.P.; Gutierrez-Huerta, C.; Deuitch, N.; Rosenzweig, S.; Stone, D.L.; Jones, A.; Nehrebecky, M.; Hoffmann, P.; Romeo, T.; Aksentijevich, I.; Ombrello, A.K.; Kastner, D.L.; De Jesus, A.A.; Alehashemi, S.; Torreggiani, S.; Sanchez, G.A.M.; Honer, K.; Souto Adeva, G.; Goldbach-Mansky, R.; Garg, M.; Barron, K.S.; Milner, J.D.
In: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases . (Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1 June 2021, 80(6):788-795)
Academic Journal
Beck, D.B.; Ombrello, A.K.; Pei, W.; Balanda, N.; Ross, D.L.; Ospina Cardona, D.; Manthiram, K.; Hoffmann, P.; Rosenzweig, S.; Xu, L.; Oda, H.; Nehrebecky, M.; Jones, A.; Laird, R.S.; Deuitch, N.; Chae, J.J.; Malicdan, M.C.V.; Novacic, D.; Solomon, B.D.; Gahl, W.A.; Burgess, S.M.; Aksentijevich, I.; Kastner, D.L.; Ferrada, M.A.; Sikora, K.A.; Nakabo, S.; Tsai, W.L.; Gupta, S.; Carmona-Rivera, C.; Goodspeed, W.; Rominger, E.; Wells, K.V.; Wigerblad, G.; Brooks, S.; Dell'Orso, S.; Deng, Z.; Colbert, R.A.; Kaplan, M.J.; Gadina, M.; Grayson, P.C.; Collins, J.C.; Asmar, A.J.; Werner, A.; Wu, Z.; Patel, B.; Groarke, E.M.; Gutierrez-Rodrigues, F.; Dillon, L.W.; Hourigan, C.S.; Young, N.S.; Barron, K.S.; Lee, C.-C.R.; Wang, W.; Trick, M.; Mullikin, J.; Dulau-Florea, A.; Calvo, K.R.; Abu-Asab, M.; Retterer, K.; Rowczenio, D.; Lachmann, H.J.; Savic, S.
In: New England Journal of Medicine . (New England Journal of Medicine, 31 December 2020, 383(27):2628-2638)
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC '95 Communications - gateway to globalization Communications, 1995. ICC '95 Seattle, 'Gateway to Globalization', 1995 IEEE International Conference on. 2:692-696 vol.2 1995
Academic Journal
Park, Y.H.; Remmers, E.F.; Lee, W.; Ombrello, A.K.; Stone, D.L.; Hoffmann, P.; Nehrebecky, M.; Aksentijevich, I.; Kastner, D.L.; Chae, J.J.; Chung, L.K.; Ivanov, M.I.; Loeven, N.A.; Bliska, J.B.; Shilei, Z.; Chen, H.; Barron, K.S.; Akkaya-Ulum, Y.Z.; Balci-Peynircioglu, B.; Sag, E.; Ozen, S.; Gül, A.; Rotimi, C.N.; Shriner, D.
In: Nature Immunology . (Nature Immunology, 1 August 2020, 21(8):857-867)
Academic Journal
Manthiram, K.; Preite, S.; Katz, A.E.; Le, J.; Ombrello, A.K.; Barham, B.; Romeo, T.; Jones, A.; Chandrasekharappa, S.C.; Schwartzberg, P.L.; Remmers, E.F.; Kastner, D.L.; Barron, K.S.; Dedeoglu, F.; Demir, S.; Ozen, S.; Edwards, K.M.; Lapidus, S.; Feder, H.M.; Lawton, M.; Licameli, G.R.; Wright, P.F.; Srinivasalu, H.; Mudd, P.A.; DeBiasi, R.L.; Gül, A.; Marshall, G.S.; Jones, O.Y.; Stepanovskiy, Y.; Ferguson, P.J.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 23 June 2020, 117(25):14405-14411)
Academic Journal
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on. 17(4):574-590 Apr, 1999
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[AR] Barron, K.S.
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