공지 & 행사

Operating hours of the Nano & Life Science Library during the Chuseok holidays
작성자 김유경
작성일 2022.09.06
조회수 159

Please note that the Nano & Life Science library opening hours during the Chuseok holidays have been changed as follows.


▷ Period : 2022. 9. 9.(Fri) ~ 9. 12.(Mon) 

구분 9. 9.(Fri) 9. 10.(Sat)
[Chuseok holiday]
9. 11.(Sun) 9. 12.(Mon)
1F Learing Commons 09:00~18:00 Close 09:00~18:00
2F PC&Print Conner Close Close
Reading Room
3~5F Reference Room


※ Tel: Nano & Life Science Library(☎ 055-350-5211,2)