에서 검색결과 947건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Multimedia Tools & Applications; Dec2022, Vol. 81 Issue 30, p42971-42990, 20p
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Metals (2075-4701); Dec2022, Vol. 12 Issue 12, p2016, 13p
2012 International Conference on Industrial Control and Electronics Engineering Industrial Control and Electronics Engineering (ICICEE), 2012 International Conference on. :22-25 Aug, 2012
2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference on. 2:449-452 Mar, 2012
2011 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), 2011 7th International Conference on. :1-4 Sep, 2011
Chen, Ai; Gao, Gufeng; Lian, Guili; Gong, Jin; Luo, Li; Liu, Junping; Chen, Weixiao; Xu, Changsheng; Wang, Huajun; Xie, Liangdi
Cell Cycle; May 2023, Vol. 22 Issue: 10 p1284-1301, 18p
Academic Journal
Ye, Chaoyi; Lian, Guili; Wang, Tingjun; Chen, Ai; Chen, Weixiao; Gong, Jin; Luo, Li; Wang, Huajun; Xie, Liangdi
BMC Pulmonary Medicine; 10/24/2022, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p1-17, 17p
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Elhaj, Elrasheed; Wang, Huajun; Imran, Mohd; Hegazi, Salah Eldeen F; Hassan, Mohamed; Eldoma, Mubarak A; Hakami, Jabir; Wani, Waseem A.; Chaudhary, Anis Ahmad
ACS Omega; 9/13/2022, Vol. 7 Issue 36, p31778-31788, 11p
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[AR] Wang, Huajun
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