에서 검색결과 1,923건 | 목록
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Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 72(0), pp.310-318 Apr, 2019
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Xuwu Sun; Aizhi Qin; Xingxing Wang; Xiaoyang Ge; Zhixin Liu; Chenxi Guo; Xiaole Yu; Xianliang Zhang; Yao Lu; Jincheng Yang; Jiuming He; Yaping Zhou; Yumeng Liu; Mengke Hu; Hao Liu; Zihao Zhao; Guanjing Hu; Wei Li; Xinshan Zang; Shuai Dai; Susu Sun; Lenin Yong-Villalobos; Luis Herrera-Estrella; Lam-Son Phan Tran; Xiongfeng Ma
Nature Communications, Vol 16, Iss 1, Pp 1-21 (2025)
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