에서 검색결과 10건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Li, Le; Wang, Huan; Pang, Shucai; Wang, Liangshun; Fan, Zhengkai; Ma, Chunyu; Yang, Shufen; Banda, Joshua; Hui, Qi; Lv, Fangyi; Fan, Haibing; Huang, Tongzhou; Zhang, Xiaobi; Wang, Xiaojie
In Journal of Biological Chemistry September 2023 299(9)
Academic Journal
Applied Sciences (2076-3417); May2024, Vol. 14 Issue 9, p3875, 18p
2016 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2016 Chinese. :4174-4179 May, 2016
Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2012 10th World Congress on. :809-814 Jul, 2012
Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference Control Conference (CCC), 2012 31st Chinese. :6075-6080 Jul, 2012
2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV), 2010 11th International Conference on. :281-285 Dec, 2010
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Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Lu, Chao; Jin, Lei; Bi, Jianing; Jin, Hongyi; You, Xinyi; Peng, Lulu; Fan, Haibing; Wang, Huan; Wang, Liangshun; Fan, Zhengkai; Wang, Xiaojie; Liu, Baohua
Academic Journal
Journal of Control Theory & Applications; Aug2013, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p489-494, 6p
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[AR] Wang, Liangshun
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