에서 검색결과 27건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Scientific Reports . (Scientific Reports, December 2024, 14(1))
Academic Journal
In: Gait and Posture . (Gait and Posture, February 2024, 108:183-188)
Academic Journal
In: Magazine of Civil Engineering . (Magazine of Civil Engineering, 2022, 111(3))
Cortical and autonomic responses during staged Taoist meditation: Two distinct meditation strategies
Academic Journal
In: PLoS ONE . (PLoS ONE, December 2021, 16 12 December)
Academic Journal
Ievlev, V.; Kannykin, S.; Il'inova, T.; Volodina, M.; Bobrinskaya, E.; Baikin, A.; Vavilova, V.; Serikov, D.
Academic Journal
Khashchenko, E.; Uvarova, E.; Vysokikh, M.; Volodina, M.; Tarasova, N.; Sukhanova, I.; Krechetova, L.; Vtorushina, V.; Ivanets, T.; Sukhikh, G.
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine . (Journal of Clinical Medicine, May 2020, 9(5))
Academic Journal
Volodina, M.; Merchieva, S.; Sebentsova, E.; Glazova, N.; Manchenko, D.; Andreeva, L.; Levitskaya, N.; Kamensky, A.; Myasoedov, N.
In: E3S Web of Conferences , 2023 Ural Environmental Science Forum on Sustainable Development of Industrial Region, UESF 2023. (E3S Web of Conferences, 31 May 2023, 389)
In: Proceedings - 5th International Conference "Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces", CNN 2023 , Proceedings - 5th International Conference "Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces", CNN 2023. (Proceedings - 5th International Conference "Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces", CNN 2023, 2023, :64-67)
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[AR] Volodina, M.
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