에서 검색결과 8건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Veneroni, C.; Dellacà, R.; Gobbi, A.; Pompilio, P.P.; Fasola, S.; Grutta, S.L.; Leyva, A.; Porszasz, J.; Stornelli, S.R.; Fuso, L.; Valach, C.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.; Breyer, M.-K.; Hartl, S.; Contu, C.; Inchingolo, R.; Hodgdon, K.; Kaminsky, D.A.
In: Respiration . (Respiration, 1 September 2024, 103(9):521-534)
Academic Journal
Veneroni, C.; Dellacá, R.L.; Valach, C.; Hartl, S.; Wouters, E.F.M.; Breyer, M.-K.; Sunanta, O.; Schiffers, C.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.; Gobbi, A.; Irvin, C.G.; Pompilio, P.P.
In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 1 February 2024, 209(4):444-453)
Academic Journal
Veneroni, C.; Dellacà, R.L.; Valach, C.; Hartl, S.; Wouters, E.F.M.; Breyer, M.-K.; Sunanta, O.; Schiffers, C.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.; Gobbi, A.; Pompilio, P.P.; Irvin, C.G.
In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 15 May 2024, 209(10):1282-1283)
Academic Journal
Valach, C.; Veneroni, C.; Wouters, E.; Pompilio, P. P.; Gobbi, A.; Dellaca, R.; Sunanta, O.; Hartl, S.; Breyer, M. -K.; Schiffers, C.; Irvin, C. G.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.
Academic Journal
Valach, C.; Veneroni, C.; Wouters, E.; Pompilio, P. P.; Gobbi, A.; Dellaca, R.; Sunanta, O.; Hartl, S.; Breyer, M. -K.; Schiffers, C.; Irvin, C. G.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.
Academic Journal
Veneroni, C.; Valach, C.; Wouters, E.; Gobbi, A.; Dellaca', R.; Breyer, M.; Hartl, S.; Sunanta, O.; Pompilio, P.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.
Reference values for respiratory impedance in adult men and women: data from the Austrian LEAD Study
Academic Journal
Valach, C.; Wouters, E. F. M.; Ofenheimer, A.; Puchhammer, P.; Pompilio, P. P.; Gobbi, A.; Breyer, M. K.; Hartl, S.; Burghuber, O. C.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.
Academic Journal
Valach, C.; Wouters, E. F. M.; Ofenheimer, A.; Puchhammer, P.; Pompilio, P. P.; Gobbi, A.; Breyer, M. K.; Hartl, S.; Burghuber, O. C.; Breyer-Kohansal, R.
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[AR] Valach, C.
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