에서 검색결과 323건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Dettori, S. ; Matino, I. ; Colla, V. ; Wolff, A.; Neuer, M.; Baric, V.; Schroeder, D.; Utkin, V.; Schaub, F.
In IFAC PapersOnLine 2022 55(40):301-306
Academic Journal
In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering . (Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, March 2024, 238(3):425-434)
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control . (International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 25 May 2023, 33(8):4401-4421)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems . (Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, December 2022, 33(6):1628-1632)
Academic Journal
In IFAC Proceedings Volumes 2005 38(1):229-234
Academic Journal
Adeva, B. ; Afanasyev, L.; Benayoun, M.; Benelli, A.; Berka, Z.; Brekhovskikh, V.; Caragheorgheopol, G.; Cechak, T.; Chiba, M.; Cima, E.; Constantinescu, S.; Detraz, C.; Dreossi, D.; Drijard, D.; Dudarev, A.; Evangelou, I.; Ferro-Luzzi, M.; Gallas, M.V.; Gerndt, J.; Giacomich, R.; Gianotti, P.; Giardoni, M.; Goldin, D.; Gómez, F.; Gorin, A.; Gortchakov, O.; Guaraldo, C.; Hansroul, M.; Iliescu, M.; Zhabitsky, M.; Karpukhin, V.; Kluson, J.; Kobayashi, M.; Kokkas, P.; Komarov, V.; Kruglov, V.; Kruglova, L.; Kulikov, A.; Kuptsov, A.; Kurochkin, V.; Kuroda, K.-I.; Lamberto, A.; Lanaro, A.; Lapshin, V.; Lednicky, R.; Leruste, P.; Levisandri, P.; Lopez Aguera, A.; Lucherini, V.; Maki, T.; Manthos, N.; Manuilov, I.; Montanet, L.; Narjoux, J.-L.; Nemenov, L.; Nikitin, M.; Núñez Pardo, T.; Okada, K.; Olchevskii, V.; Orecchini, D.; Pazos, A.; Pentia, M.; Penzo, A.; Perreau, J.-M.; Petrascu, C.; Pló, M.; Ponta, T.; Pop, D.; Rappazzo, G.F.; Riazantsev, A.; Rodriguez, J.M.; Rodriguez Fernandez, A.; Romero, A.; Rykalin, V.; Santamarina, C.; Saborido, J.; Schacher, J.; Schuetz, Ch.P.; Sidorov, A.; Smolik, J.; Steinacher, M.; Takeutchi, F.; Tarasov, A.; Tauscher, L.; Tobar, M.J.; Triantis, F.; Trusov, S.; Utkin, V.; Vázquez Doce, O.; Vázquez, P.; Vlachos, S.; Yazkov, V.; Yoshimura, Y.; Zrelov, P.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 December 2003 515(3):467-496
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Control . (International Journal of Control, 2022, 95(7):1888-1897)
Academic Journal
In: Mathematics . (Mathematics, December-1 2021, 9(23))
2010 11th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS) Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 2010 11th International Workshop on. :528-533 Jun, 2010
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[AR] Utkin, V.
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