에서 검색결과 140건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Cirrincione, D.; Antonelli, M.; Aquilanti, G.; Bellutti, P.; Bertuccio, G.; Borghi, G.; Cautero, G.; Ficorella, F.; Gandola, M.; Giuressi, D.; Mele, F.; Menk, R.H.; Olivi, L.; Orzan, G.; Pepponi, G.; Picciotto, A.; Rashevskaya, I.; Rachevski, A.; Stebel, L.; Zampa, G.; Zampa, N.; Zorzi, N.; Vacchi, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A April 2023 1049
Academic Journal
Cautero, M.; Sergo, R.; Stebel, L.; Cautero, G.; Garzetti, F.; Lusardi, N.; Costa, A.; Bonanno, G.; Ronconi, E.; Geraci, A.; Píš, I.; Magnano, E.; Pedio, M.
In: Sensors . (Sensors, August 2024, 24(16))
Costa, A.; Corna, N.; Lusardi, N.; Garzetti, F.; Ronconi, E.; Cattaneo, F.; Geraci, A.; Cautero, M.; Carrato, S.; Brajnik, G.; Stebel, L.; Sergo, R.; Cautero, G.
2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2022 IEEE. :1-4 Nov, 2022
Garzetti, F.; Corna, N.; Lusardi, N.; Costa, A.; Ronconi, E.; Salgaro, S.; Geraci, A.; Brajnik, G.; Carrato, S.; Cautero, G.; Cautero, M.; Sergo, R.; Stebel, L.
2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2021 IEEE. :1-5 Oct, 2021
Academic Journal
Correa, J.; Mehrjoo, M.; Battistelli, R.; Lehmkühler, F.; Marras, A.; Wunderer, C. B.; Hirono, T.; Felk, V.; Krivan, F.; Lange, S.; Shevyakov, I.; Vardanyan, V.; Zimmer, M.; Hoesch, M.; Bagschik, K.; Guerrini, N.; Marsh, B.; Sedgwick, I.; Cautero, G.; Stebel, L.
Academic Journal
Lusardi, N.; Garzetti, F.; Costa, A.; Cautero, M.; Corna, N.; Ronconi, E.; Brajnik, G.; Stebel, L.; Sergo, R.; Cautero, G.; Carrato, S.; Geraci, A.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on. 71:1-11 2022
Academic Journal
Di Fraia, M.; Sergo, R.; Stebel, L.; Giuressi, D.; Cautero, G.; Tudor, M.; Callegari, C.; O’Keeffe, P.; Ovcharenko, Y.; Lyamayev, V.; Feyer, V.; Moise, A.; Devetta, M.; Piseri, P.; Grazioli, C.; Coreno, M.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 1 December 2015 364:16-19
Garzetti, F.; Lusardi, N.; Corna, N.; Salgaro, S.; Busola, N.; Geraci, A.; Brajnik, G.; Carrato, S.; Cautero, G.; Cautero, M.; Sergo, R.; Stebel, L.
2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2020 IEEE. :1-4 Oct, 2020
Sedgwick, I; Guerrini, N; Marsh, B; Nicholls, T; Marras, A; Wunderer, CB; Correa, J; Lange, S; Kuhn, M; Krivan, F; Shevyakov, I; Zimmer, M; Graafsma, H; Cautero, G; Giuressi, D; Menk, R; Pinaroli, G.; Stebel, L.; Greer, A; Pedersen, U; Tartoni, N; Rah, SY; Hyun, HJ; Kim, KS; Kim, SH; Boitrelle, B; Orsini, F
2019 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2019 26th IEEE International Conference on. :506-509 Nov, 2019
Lusardi, N.; Garzetti, F.; Corna, N.; Reale, A.; Geraci, A.; Dobovicnik, E.; Cautero, G.; Dri, C.; Sergo, R.; Stebel, L.
2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2019 IEEE. :1-4 Oct, 2019
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[AR] Stebel, L.
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