에서 검색결과 53건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition July-September 2014 4(3):343-353
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Autonomous Intelligence . (Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, 2024, 7(3))
Academic Journal
In Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology November 2012 34(3):949-958
Academic Journal
In: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing . (Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, October 2021, 59(10):1973-1989)
In Dental Laboratory Procedures 2016:99-125
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering . (International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, July 2019, 8 2 Special Issue 3:763-769)
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics . (Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, April-June 2016, 12(2):755-762)
Academic Journal
In: Bratislava Medical Journal . (Bratislava Medical Journal, 2016, 117(3):171-178)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology . (Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 1 March 2015, 26(2):185-200)
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[AR] Sivagami, G.
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