에서 검색결과 29건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Dachs, F.; Alozy, J.; Belyaev, N.; Bergmann, B.L.; van Beuzekom, M.; Billoud, T.R.V.; Burian, P.; Broulim, P.; Campbell, M.; Chelkov, G.; Cherry, M.; Doronin, S.; Filippov, K.; Fusco, P.; Gargano, F.; van der Heijden, B.; Heijne, E.H.M.; Konovalov, S.; Cudie, X.L.; Loparco, F.; Mascagna, V.; Mazziotta, M.N.; Meduna, L.; Pernegger, H.; Ponomarenko, D.; Pospisil, S.; Prest, M.; Rembser, C.; Romaniouk, A.; Savchenko, A.A.; Schaefer, D.; Schioppa, E.J.; Sergeeva, D.; Shchukin, D.; Shulga, E.; Smirnov, S.; Smirnov, Y.; Smolyanskiy, P.; Soldani, M.; Spinelli, P.; Strikhanov, M.; Teterin, P.; Tikhomirov, V.; Tishchenko, A.A.; Vallazza, E.; Vorobev, K.; Zhukov, K.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1 April 2020 958
Academic Journal
In: Petroleum Chemistry . (Petroleum Chemistry, June 2024, 64(6):681-687)
Academic Journal
In: Energies . (Energies, 1 April 2021, 14(7))
Academic Journal
In: ACS Synthetic Biology . (ACS Synthetic Biology, 18 September 2020, 9(9):2546-2561)
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Grav, L.M.; Sergeeva, D.; Lee, J.S.; Marin De Mas, I.; Nielsen, L.K.; Lee, G.M.; Kildegaard, H.F.; Lewis, N.E.; Andersen, M.Rø.
In: ACS Synthetic Biology . (ACS Synthetic Biology, 21 September 2018, 7(9):2148-2159)
Academic Journal
In: Biotechnology Journal . (Biotechnology Journal, March 2018, 13(3))
In: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics , The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META 2021. (International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2021, :222-223)
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[AR] Sergeeva, D.
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