에서 검색결과 14건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Journal of Cystic Fibrosis June 2020 19 Supplement 2:S159-S160
Academic Journal
Lelorain, S.; Bachelet, A.; Goncalves, V.; Wortel, E.; Billes, M.; Bertin, N.; Bourgoin, M.; Seillier, M.
In: Journal of Advanced Nursing . (Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1 November 2019, 75(11):2616-2626)
Academic Journal
Heutte, N.; Abouzayd, M.; Plisson, L.; Guittet, L.; Grandazzi, G.; Babin, E.; Trocmé, M.; Christophe, V.; Seillier, M.
In: Journal of Cancer Education . (Journal of Cancer Education, 15 August 2019, 34(4):823-830)
Academic Journal
Zidi, B.; Vincent-Fabert, C.; Vandevelde, A.; Poplineau, M.; Duprez, E.; Pouyet, L.; Seillier, M.; N’guessan, P.; Carrier, A.; Guittard, G.; Mancini, S.J.C.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2 January 2019, 116(1):211-216)
Academic Journal
Seillier, M.; Pouyet, L.; N'Guessan, P.; Nollet, M.; Capo, F.; Guillaumond, F.; Iovanna, J.L.; Carrier, A.; Peyta, L.; Dumas, J.-F.; Servais, S.; Varrault, A.; Bertrand, G.; Ravier, M.A.; Dalle, S.; Muller, D.; Bonnafous, S.; Tran, A.; Gual, P.; Meur, G.; Rutter, G.A.; Marchetti, P.
In: EMBO Molecular Medicine . (EMBO Molecular Medicine, 1 June 2015, 7(6):802-818)
Academic Journal
Vidor, C.; Leroyer, A.; Christophe, V.; Seillier, M.; Foncel, J.; Van de Maële, J.; Bonneterre, J.; Fantoni, S.
In: BMC Cancer . (BMC Cancer, 17 April 2014, 14(1))
Academic Journal
Christophe, V.; Leroy, T.; Seillier, M.; Duthilleul, C.; Vallet, F.; Julieron, M.; Clisant, S.; Lefebvre, J.-L.; Foncel, J.
In: BMJ Open . (BMJ Open, 2014, 4(7))
Academic Journal
Saadi, H.; Seillier, M.; Sandi, M.J.; Peuget, S.; Dusetti, N.J.; Iovanna, J.L.; Rocchi, P.; Carrier, A.; Gravis, G.; Kellenberger, C.; Amri, M.
In: Results in Immunology . (Results in Immunology, 2013, 3:51-56)
Academic Journal
Seillier, M.; Peuget, S.; Gayet, O.; Gauthier, C.; N'Guessan, P.; Carrier, A.; Iovanna, J.L.; Dusetti, N.J.; Monte, M.
In: Cell Death and Differentiation . (Cell Death and Differentiation, September 2012, 19(9):1525-1535)
Academic Journal
N'Guessan, P.; Pouyet, L.; Gosset, G.; Hamlaoui, S.; Seillier, M.; Cano, C.E.; Seux, M.; Iovanna, J.L.; Dusetti, N.J.; Carrier, A.; Stocker, P.; Culcasi, M.; Pietri, S.
In: Antioxidants and Redox Signaling . (Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 15 September 2011, 15(6):1639-1653)
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[AR] Seillier, M.
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