에서 검색결과 6건 | 목록
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2023 8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2023 8th International Conference on. :1477-1482 Jun, 2023
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In Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for EDGE Computing 2022:189-206
Abdulla, Sherief; Agarwal, Josh; Apinaya Prethi, K.N.; Arora, Parth; Banerjee, Ananya; Barde, Ketaki; Bendale, Shailesh Pramod; Berkani, Lamia; Bhadoria, Robin Singh; Bharti, Ajay Kumar; Bhatnagar, Shobhit; Bhoj, Naman; Chandra, Nilesh; Deshpande, Santosh L.; Diwedi, Anuj; Dubey, Rahul Kumar; Eyoh, Imo J.; Ganesan, A.; Gupta, Ashray; Gupta, Manu K.; Gusev, Marjan; Hari, Rajeswary; Hariharan, U.; Haroon, Mohd; Harshvardhan; Hemachandra, Nandyala; Jain, Shashi; Jijina, G.O.; Kalaivani, A.; Kaliwal, Rohit B.; Kanimozhi, N.; Kanya, N.; Kashyap, Ramgopal; Kashyap, Harsh; Kerboua, Imene Lydia; Khakhar, Param; Kumar, Santosh; Kumar, Swarup; Manry, Michael; Mathew, Elezabeth; Mishra, Eesha; Murugesan, Vadivel S.; Nalinashini, G.; Nithya, S.; Nivurruti, Megha; Nyoho, Emmanuel E.; Pal, Vipin; Pandey, Rajiv; Pathak, Dharmendra; Pillai, Anju S.; Ponmagal, R.S.; Prasad, Jayashree Rajesh; Prasad, Rajesh Shardanand; Prathap, Boppuru Rudra; Rahamatkar, Surendra; Rajkumar, K.; Rane, Chinmay; Sahai, Archana; Sangeetha, M.; Saravanan, Vijayalakshmi; Saxena, Rahul; Sendilvelan, S.; Sharma, Shambhavi; Shree Charran, R.; Siddiqui, Zeeshan Ali; Singh, Mukul; Singh, Vaishali; Solainayagi, P.; Sriram, Raghavendra; Sujatha, K.; Tiwari, Ashish; Tyagi, Kanishka; Umoh, Uduak A.; Woungang, Isaac; Yadav, Anju; Zeghoud, Sofiane
In Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for EDGE Computing 2022:xv-xvii
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[AR] Sahai, Archana
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