에서 검색결과 194건 | 목록
Current and emerging strategies for the management of advanced/metastatic lung neuroendocrine tumors
Academic Journal
In Current Problems in Cancer April 2024 49
Academic Journal
Garcia-Gutierrez, Valentin; Huang, Fei; Ashaye, Ajibade; Dalal, Mehul; Laliman-Khara, Victor; Breccia, Massimo; Rutherford, Megan; Moradian, Hoora; Patos, Petros; Jabbour, Elias Joseph
Frontiers in Oncology; 2024, p1-12, 12p
Academic Journal
Rutherford, Megan; O'Connor, John D.; Gill, Harinderjit S.; Hill, Janet; Beverland, David; Lennon, Alex B.; Dunne, Nicholas J.
In Medical Engineering and Physics February 2019 64:7-14
Academic Journal
O'Connor, John D.; Rutherford, Megan; Bennett, Damien; Hill, Janet C.; Beverland, David E.; Dunne, Nicholas J.; Lennon, Alex B.
In Journal of Biomechanics 26 October 2018 80:8-15
Academic Journal
Dorling, Patricia; Azimpour, Khashayar; Mellor, Jennifer; Hatchell, Niall; Rutherford, Megan; Raad, Angie
In Molecular Genetics and Metabolism February 2024 141(2)
Academic Journal
2019 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2019. :Page 1-Page 4 Sep, 2019
Academic Journal
Gossec, Laure; Humphries, Brittany; Rutherford, Megan; Taieb, Vanessa; Willems, Damon; Tillett, William
Arthritis Research & Therapy. 26(1)
Academic Journal
Jabbour, Elias; Huang, Fei; Zoratti, Michael J.; Rutherford, Megan; Moradian, Hoora; Dalal, Mehul; Ashaye, Ajibade; Gordan, Lucio N.
In Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia September 2023 23 Supplement 1:S338-S339
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[AR] Rutherford, Megan
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