에서 검색결과 84건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Bernerd, C.; Johnson, J.D.; Aubert, E.; Au, M.; Barozier, V.; Bernardes, A.-P.; Bertreix, P.; Bruchertseifer, F.; Catherall, R.; Chevallay, E.; Chrysalidis, K.; Christodoulou, P.; Cocolios, T.E.; Crepieux, B.; Deschamps, M.; Dorsival, A.; Duchemin, C.; Fedosseev, V.; Fernier, P.; Heines, M.; Heinke, R.; Khalid, U.; Khan, M.; Khan, Q.; Lambert, L.; Mamis, E.; Marsh, B.A.; Marzari, S.; Menaa, N.; Munos, M.; Pozzi, F.; Prvakova, S.; Ramos, J.P.; Riccardi, F.; Rinchet, J.-Y.; Rossel, R.E.; Stora, T.; Thiboud, J.; Vollaire, J.; Van Den Bergh, V.; Wojtaczka, W.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B September 2023 542:137-143
Academic Journal
Barzakh, A.E.; Andreyev, A.N.; Atanasov, D.; Cubiss, J.G.; Harding, R.D.; Al Monthery, M.; Althubiti, N.A.; Andel, B.; Antalic, S.; Ballof, J.; Blaum, K.; Cocolios, T.E.; Van Duppen, P.; Day Goodacre, T.; de Roubin, A.; Duchemin, C.; Farooq-Smith, G.J.; Fedorov, D.V.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Fink, D.A.; Gaffney, L.P.; Ghys, L.; Huyse, M.; Imai, N.; Johnson, J.; Kreim, S.; Lunney, D.; Lynch, K.M.; Manea, V.; Marsh, B.A.; Martinez Palenzuela, Y.; Molkanov, P.L.; Neidherr, D.; Panteleev, V.N.; Rosenbusch, M.; Rossel, R.E.; Rothe, S.; Schweikhard, L.; Seliverstov, M.D.; Sels, S.; Van Beveren, C.; Verstraelen, E.; Welker, A.; Wienholtz, F.; Wolf, R.N.; Zuber, K.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 15 February 2022 513:26-32
Academic Journal
Clisu, C.; Nita, C.R.; Lica, R.; Costache, C.; Marginean, N.; Marginean, R.; Mihai, C.; Negret, A.; Pascu, S.; Sotty, C.O.; Stan, L.; Andreyev, A.N.; Cubiss, J.G.; Borge, M.J.G.; Granados, C.; Leimbach, D.; Marsh, B.A.; Rossel, R.E.; Naïdja, H.; Andel, B.; Antalic, S.; Mosat, P.; Berry, T.A.; Podolyak, Z.; Ovejas, J.D.; Perea, A.; Tengblad, O.; Cocolios, T.E.; De Witte, H.; Huyse, M.; Rezynkina, K.; Van Duppen, P.; Fraile, L.M.; Vedia, V.; Fynbo, H.; Lazarus, I.; Gadelshin, V.M.; Heinke, R.; Studer, D.; Greenlees, P.; Rahkila, P.; Nacher, E.; Page, R.D.; Pucknell, V.; Warr, N.
In: Physical Review C . (Physical Review C, December 2024, 110(6))
Academic Journal
Chrysalidis, K.; Barzakh, A.E.; Ahmed, R.; Andreyev, A.N.; Ballof, J.; Cubiss, J.G.; Fedorov, D.V.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Fraile, L.M.; Harding, R.D.; Köster, U.; Marsh, B.A.; Raison, C.; Ramos, J.P.; Rossel, R.E.; Rothe, S.; Wendt, K.; Wilkins, S.G.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 15 January 2020 463:472-475
Academic Journal
Day Goodacre, T.; Fedorov, D.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Forster, L.; Marsh, B.A.; Rossel, R.E.; Rothe, S.; Veinhard, M.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 September 2016 830:510-514
Academic Journal
Rothe, S.; Catherall, R.; Crepieux, B.; Day Goodacre, T.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Giles, T.; Marsh, B.A.; Ramos, J.P.; Rossel, R.E.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 1 June 2016 376:86-90
Academic Journal
Day Goodacre, T.; Billowes, J.; Catherall, R.; Cocolios, T.E.; Crepieux, B.; Fedorov, D.V.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Gaffney, L.P.; Giles, T.; Gottberg, A.; Lynch, K.M.; Marsh, B.A.; Mendonça, T.M.; Ramos, J.P.; Rossel, R.E.; Rothe, S.; Sels, S.; Sotty, C.; Stora, T.; Van Beveren, C.; Veinhard, M.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 1 June 2016 376:39-45
Academic Journal
Rothe, S.; Day Goodacre, T.; Fedorov, D.V.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Marsh, B.A.; Molkanov, P.L.; Rossel, R.E.; Seliverstov, M.D.; Veinhard, M.; Wendt, K.D.A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 1 June 2016 376:91-96
Academic Journal
Cocolios, T.E.; de Groote, R.P.; Billowes, J.; Bissell, M.L.; Budinčević, I.; Day Goodacre, T.; Farooq-Smith, G.J.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Flanagan, K.T.; Franchoo, S.; Garcia Ruiz, R.F.; Gins, W.; Heylen, H.; Kron, T.; Li, R.; Lynch, K.M.; Marsh, B.A.; Neyens, G.; Rossel, R.E.; Rothe, S.; Smith, A.J.; Stroke, H.H.; Wendt, K.D.A.; Wilkins, S.G.; Yang, X.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 1 June 2016 376:284-287
Academic Journal
Martinez-Calderon, M.; Groussin, B.; Bjelland, V.; Chevallay, E.; Fedosseev, V.N.; Himmerlich, M.; Marsh, B.A.; Neupert, H.; Rossel, R.E.; Wuensch, W.; Granados, E.; Lorenz, P.; Manjavacas, A.
In: Nanophotonics . (Nanophotonics, 1 May 2024, 13(11):1975-1983)
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[AR] Rossel, R.E.
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