에서 검색결과 5,694건 | 목록
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Ryan, N.; Ling, P.; Lam, P.; Romano, M.; Albert, S.; Aslahi, R.; Aujla, P.; Barrese, N.; Barua, M.; Berall, M.; Berbece, A.; Bhandhal, S.; Birbrager, D.R.; Boll, P.; Buldo, G.; Cardella, C.; Chan, C.; Chan, P.; Charest, A.; Cherney, D.; Chidambaram, M.; Chow, S.; Cole, E.; Cummings, M.; Donnelly, S.; Dunn, A.; Elfirjani, A.; Fenton, S.; Fong, E.; Fung, J.; Goldstein, J.; Harel, Z.; Hercz, G.; Jassal, S.V.; Kajbaf, S.; Kamel, K.; Kang, A.; Karanicolas, S.; Ki, V.; Kim, S.J.; Kim, D.H.; Konvalinka, A.; Kundhal, K.; Langlois, V.; Lekas, P.; Lenga, I.; Licht, C.; Lipscombe, J.; Lok, C.; Ly, J.; Manogaran, M.; McQuillan, R.; McFarlane, P.; Mehta, H.; Mendelssohn, D.; Miller, J.A.; Nagai, G.; Nathoo, B.; Nesrallah, G.; Pandes, M.; Pandeya, S.; Parekh, R.; Pearl, R.; Pei, Y.; Perkins, D.; Perl, J.; Pierratos, A.; Prasad, R.; Radhakrishnan, S.; Rao, M.; Richardson, R.; Roscoe, J.; Roushdi, A.; Sachdeva, J.; Sapir, D.; Sasal, J.; Schiff, J.; Scholey, J.; Schreiber, M.; Shan, X.; Siddiqui, N.; Sikaneta, T.; Gomez, C.V. Silva; Singh, S.; Singhal, R.; Sohal, A.; Steele, A.; Suneja, S.; Szaky, E.; Tam, D.; Tam, P.; Teskey, L.; Tinckam, K.; Ting, R.; Tsui, S.; Turner, P.A.; Wadehra, D.; Wadgymar, J.A.; Wald, R.; Walele, A.; Warner, L.; Wei, C.; Weinstein, J.; Whiteside, C.; Wijeyasekaran, S.; Wong, G.; Wu, G.; Yassa, T.; Yuen, D.; Zaltzman, J.; Troyanov, Stéphan; Jauhal, Arenn; Reich, Heather N.; Hladunewich, Michelle A.; Cattran, Daniel C.
In Kidney International Reports November 2023 8(11):2403-2415
Academic Journal
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 32(8):1447-1460 Aug, 2024
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IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Comput. Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 21(4):3834-3850 Aug, 2024
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In Aquaculture 15 December 2021 545
Academic Journal
Ganguly, S.; Gosser, C.M.; Orren, D.; Goellner, E.M.; Brainson, C.F.; Rangnekar, V.M.; Burikhanov, R.; Jiang, J.; Sviripa, V.M.; Spielmann, P.H.; Watt, D.S.; Ellingson, S.; D’orazio, J.; Zhan, C.-G.; Shenoy, G.G.; Rao, M.
In: International Journal of Biological Sciences . (International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2025, 21(2):454-472)
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[AR] Rao, M.
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