에서 검색결과 183건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Curtis, Jeffrey; Bykerk, Vivian; Crow, Mary; Danila, Maria; Haraoui, Boulos; Karpouzas, George; Newman, Eric; Norton, Hillary; Peterson, Jeff; Thorne, Carter; Wright, Grace; Bain, Lorna
ACR Open Rheumatology. 6(9)
Academic Journal
Botson, John; Obermeyer, Katie; LaMoreaux, Brian; Padnick-Silver, Lissa; Verma, Supra; Weinblatt, Michael E; Peterson, Jeff
Rheumatology Advances in Practice; 2024, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p1-6, 6p
Academic Journal
Intercultural Pragmatics. 21(5):597-620
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Botson, John K.; Saag, Kenneth; Peterson, Jeff; Obermeyer, Katie; Xin, Yan; Lamoreaux, Brian; Padnick‐Silver, Lissa; Verma, Supra; Grewal, Suneet; Majjhoo, Amar; Tesser, John R.P.; Weinblatt, Michael E.
ACR Open Rheumatology. August 2023, Vol. 5 Issue 8, p407, 12 p.
Letter to the editor: Key safety parameters from the literature on pegloticase with immunomodulation
Academic Journal
Peterson, Jeff; Roe, Nathan; Padnick-Silver, Lissa; Kenney, Howard; Abdellatif, Abdul; LaMoreaux, Brian
In Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism December 2021 51(6):1386-1388
Environmental Law Reporter. November, 2023, Vol. 53 Issue 11, p10791, 13 p.
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
53 Env't L. Rep. 10355 (2023) / Environmental Law Reporter, Vol. 53, Issue 5 (May 2023), pp. 10355-10366
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[AR] Peterson, Jeff
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