에서 검색결과 28건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Journal of Endovascular Therapy; Apr2024, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p203-213, 11p
Academic Journal
Nair, Pradeep K.; Marroquin, Oscar C.; Mulukutla, Suresh R.; Khandhar, Sameer; Gulati, Vijay; Schindler, John T.; Lee, Joon S.
In JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions October 2011 4(10):1085-1092
Academic Journal
World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Oct-Dec 2023, Vol. 9 Issue 4, 415
Academic Journal
Mahtani, Renu; Bora, Pranita; Wikhe, Anjali; Garcha, Sonia; Mahtani, Raunak; Kodali, Prakash; Nair, Pradeep K.
Journal of Surgical Specialties and Rural Practice. May-August 2023, Vol. 4 Issue 2, 67
Academic Journal
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. February 2023, Vol. 12 Issue 2, 338
Academic Journal
International Journal of Yoga. May-August 2022, Vol. 15 Issue 2, 130
Liquid Drug Delivery Approaches for the Treatment of Occlusive Arterial Disease: A Systematic Review
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
AYUHOM. Jan-June 2021, Vol. 8 Issue 1, 32
Academic Journal
Nair, Pradeep K.; Carr, Jeffrey G.; Bigelow, Brian; Bhatt, Deepak L.; Berwick, Zachary C.; Adams, George
Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. Jan 01, 2018 11(1):e005333-e005333
Academic Journal
Nair, Pradeep K.; Carr, Jeffrey G.; Bigelow, Brian; Bhatt, Deepak L.; Berwick, Zachary C.; Adams, George
Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions; Jan2018, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p1-11, 11p
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[AR] Nair, Pradeep K.
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