에서 검색결과 283건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Breast Cancer Research . (Breast Cancer Research, December 2024, 26(1))
Academic Journal
McCarthy, A.M.; Ehsan, S.; Chen, J.; Hughes, K.S.; Lehman, C.D.; Conant, E.F.; Kontos, D.; Armstrong, K.
In: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment . (Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, November 2024, 208(1):103-110)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the American College of Radiology , Focus on Innovation. (Journal of the American College of Radiology, October 2024, 21(10):1645-1656)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the American College of Radiology , Focus on Screening for HRSN. (Journal of the American College of Radiology, September 2024, 21(9):1477-1488)
Academic Journal
In: Radiology . (Radiology, September 2023, 308(3))
Academic Journal
Yoon, J.H.; Strand, F.; Baltzer, P.A.T.; Conant, E.F.; Gilbert, F.J.; Lehman, C.D.; Morris, E.A.; Mullen, L.A.; Nishikawa, R.M.; Sharma, N.; Vejborg, I.; Moy, L.; Mann, R.M.
In: Radiology . (Radiology, June 2023, 307(5))
Academic Journal
In: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment . (Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, November 2022, 196(2):389-398)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the National Cancer Institute . (Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1 October 2022, 114(10):1355-1363)
Academic Journal
Wang, S.; Singh, V.K.; Cheah, E.; Wang, X.; Li, Q.; Chou, S.-H.; Lehman, C.D.; Kumar, V.; Samir, A.E.
In: Computers in Biology and Medicine . (Computers in Biology and Medicine, September 2022, 148)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the American College of Radiology . (Journal of the American College of Radiology, September 2022, 19(9):1021-1030)
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[AR] Lehman, C.D.
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