에서 검색결과 30건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Krasilnikov, I.; Tcymbarevich, I.; Krasheninnikova, A.; Sukhova, M.; Ivanov, A.; Stukova, M.; Romanovskaya-Romanko, E.; Zubkova, T.; Lioznov, D.; Mironov, A.
In: Vaccines . (Vaccines, September 2024, 12(9))
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases . (Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, August 2024, 36)
Academic Journal
Krasilnikov, I.; Djonovic, M.; Ivanov, A.; Isaev, A.; Romanovskaya-Romanko, E.; Stukova, M.; Zverev, V.
In: Vaccine . (Vaccine, 2 April 2024, 42(9):2191-2199)
Academic Journal
Vinyar, I.; Géraud, A.; Yamada, H.; Lukin, A.; Sakamoto, R.; Skoblikov, S.; Umov, A.; Oda, Y.; Gros, G.; Krasilnikov, I.; Reznichenko, P.; Panchenko, V.
In Fusion Engineering and Design 2005 75:685-689
Academic Journal
Géraud, Alain ; Viniar, I.; Skoblikov, S.; Lukin, A.; Umov, A.; Krasilnikov, I.; Reznichenko, P.; Gros, G.; Saille, A.; Gauthier, A.; Manzagol, J.; Périn, J.P.
In Fusion Engineering and Design 2003 69(1):5-9
In: BIO Web of Conferences , International Conference on Scientific and Technological Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for the Purposes of Sustainable Development, STDAIC 2023. (BIO Web of Conferences, 4 January 2024, 83)
1998 Second International Conference. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems. Proceedings KES'98 (Cat. No.98EX111) Knowledge-based intelligent electronic systems Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, 1998. Proceedings KES '98. 1998 Second International Conference on. 3:230-239 vol.3 1998
In: International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021 . (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 403 LNNS:1362-1370)
Academic Journal
In: Clinical Therapeutics . (Clinical Therapeutics, March 2007, 29(3):427-437)
In: International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES . (International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES, 1998, 3:230-239)
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[AR] Krasilnikov, I.
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