에서 검색결과 106건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Espinosa, E.; Challita, J.; Desfontaines, J.-M.; Possoz, C.; Galli, E.; Barre, F.-X.; Val, M.-E.; Mazel, D.; Marbouty, M.; Koszul, R.
In: Nature Communications . (Nature Communications, December 2024, 15(1))
Academic Journal
In: Nature Communications . (Nature Communications, December 2024, 15(1))
Academic Journal
Burman, N.; Wilkinson, R.A.; Santiago-Frangos, A.; Graham, A.B.; Zahl, T.; Henriques, W.S.; Buyukyoruk, M.; Wiedenheft, B.; Belukhina, S.; Skutel, M.; Chechenina, A.; Isaev, A.; Depardieu, F.; Rouillon, C.; Saudemont, B.; Bikard, D.; Livenskyi, A.; Severinov, K.; Morozova, N.; Shyrokova, L.; Kurata, T.; Hauryliuk, V.; Groseille, J.; Thierry, A.; Koszul, R.; Tesson, F.; Bernheim, A.
In: Nature . (Nature, 10 October 2024, 634(8033):424-431)
Academic Journal
Schiffer, P.H.; Natsidis, P.; Leite, D.J.; Robertson, H.E.; Lapraz, F.; Marlétaz, F.; Simpson, F.; Zakrzewski, A.C.; Kapli, P.; Müller, S.; Telford, M.J.; Fromm, B.; Baudry, L.; Høye, E.; Hoff, K.J.; Marbouty, M.; Koszul, R.; Marlow, H.; Copley, R.R.; Sarkies, P.
In: eLife . (eLife, 7 August 2024, 13)
Academic Journal
In: Medecine/Sciences . (Medecine/Sciences, 1 May 2024, 40(5):412-413)
Academic Journal
Forest, T.; Achaz, G.; Pons, J.-M.; Fuchs, J.; Marbouty, M.; Bignaud, A.; Thierry, A.; Koszul, R.; Milhes, M.; Lledo, J.
In: G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics . (G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, May 2024, 14(5))
Academic Journal
Bastié, N.; Mboumba, H.; Gadal, O.; Beckouët, F.; Chapard, C.; Cournac, A.; Thierry, A.; Koszul, R.; Nejmi, S.
In: Molecular Cell . (Molecular Cell, 21 March 2024, 84(6):1139-1148.e5)
Academic Journal
Legrand, S.; Saifudeen, A.; Vernerey, J.; Guille, A.; Acquaviva, L.; Gaudin, M.; Llorente, B.; Bordelet, H.; Bignaud, A.; Thierry, A.; Koszul, R.; Sanchez, A.; Borde, V.; Johnson, D.; Neale, M.J.; Friedrich, A.; Schacherer, J.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 19 March 2024, 121(12))
Academic Journal
Bignaud, A.; Cockram, C.; Groseille, J.; Thierry, A.; Marbouty, M.; Koszul, R.; Borde, C.; Espéli, O.; Allemand, E.; Mozziconacci, J.
In: Nature Structural and Molecular Biology . (Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, March 2024, 31(3):489-497)
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[AR] Koszul, R.
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