에서 검색결과 255건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics . (Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, June 2024, 45(6):2843-2852)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Banking Regulation . (Journal of Banking Regulation, 2024)
Academic Journal
In: Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice . (Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice, 31 October 2023, 5(52):52-66)
Academic Journal
Korneev, V. (RS-STPT-NDM) AMS Author Profile
Academic Journal
In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008 197(17):1433-1446
Academic Journal
Vasco, D.W.; Daley, T.M.; Tribaldos, V.R.; Hoversten, G.M.; Korneev, V.; Marchesini, P.; Mali, G.; Bevc, D.
In: Leading Edge . (Leading Edge, 1 February 2022, 41(2):134-139)
Academic Journal
In: Scientific Horizons . (Scientific Horizons, 2022, 25(8):85-105)
van't Klooster, K.; Scialino, L.; Cherniavski, A.; Medzmariashvili, E.; Korneev, V.; Kravchenko, Y.; Gulyayev, V.; Magjanov, R.; Santiago-Prowald, J.; Scolamiero, L.; Lubrano, V.; Silvestrucci, F.; Fei, E.; Raboso, D.
2005 5th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques Antenna theory and techniques Antenna Theory and Techniques, 2005. 5th International Conference on. :70-73 2005
Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering, 2004. International Conference on Parallel computing in electrical engineering Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering, 2004. PARELEC 2004. International Conference on. :380-385 2004
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[AR] Korneev, V.
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