에서 검색결과 1,208건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Landaverde, Lena; McIntyre, David; Robson, James; Fu, Dany; Ortiz, Luis; Chen, Rita; Oliveira, Samuel M.D.; Fan, Andy; Barrett, Amy; Burgay, Stephen P.; Choate, Stephen; Corbett, David; Doucette-Stamm, Lynn; Gonzales, Kevin; Hamer, Davidson H.; Huang, Lilly; Huval, Shari; Knight, Christopher; Landa, Carrie; Lindquist, Diane; Lockard, Kelly; Macdowell, Trevor L.; Mauro, Elizabeth; McGinty, Colleen; Miller, Candice; Monahan, Maura; Moore, Randall; Platt, Judy; Rolles, Lloyd; Roy, Jeffrey; Schroeder, Tracey; Tolan, Dean R.; Zaia, Ann; Brown, Robert A.; Waters, Gloria; Densmore, Douglas; Klapperich, Catherine M.
In SLAS Technology October 2022 27(5):302-311
Academic Journal
Saf, Sarah; Sifers, Travis M.; Baker, Mary Grace; Warren, Christopher M.; Knight, Christopher; Bakhl, Katrina; Kattan, Jacob D.; Sampson, Hugh A.; Nowak-Wegrzyn, Anna
In The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice May 2020 8(5):1681-1688
Academic Journal
Chen, Jingyi L.; Prelesnik, Jesse L.; Liang, Buyun; Sun, Yangzesheng; Bhatt, Mrugank; Knight, Christopher; Mahesh, Krishnan; Siepmann, J. Ilja
Academic Journal
In Computers and Geotechnics June 2019 110:344-366
Academic Journal
In Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology July 2018 504:38-46
Academic Journal
In Value in Health May 2018 21(5):515-524
Academic Journal
Riera, Marc; Knight, Christopher; Bull-Vulpe, Ethan F.; Zhu, Xuanyu; Agnew, Henry; Smith, Daniel G. A.; Simmonett, Andrew C.; Paesani, Francesco
Academic Journal
Shemesh, Eyal; D'Urso, Christine; Knight, Christopher; Rubes, Melissa; Picerno, Kinga M.; Posillico, Ailie M.; Atal, Zara; Annunziato, Rachel A.; Sicherer, Scott H.
In The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice March-April 2017 5(2):391-397
Kwack, JaeHyuk; Tramm, John; Bertoni, Colleen; Ghadar, Yasaman; Homerding, Brian; Rangel, Esteban; Knight, Christopher; Parker, Scott
2021 International Workshop on Performance, Portability and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC) P3HPC Performance, Portability and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC), 2021 International Workshop on. :45-56 Nov, 2021
Academic Journal
Shemesh, Eyal; Lewis, Brianna J.; Rubes, Melissa; Ambrose, Michael A.; Cahill, Meghan K.; Knight, Christopher; Sicherer, Scott H.; Annunziato, Rachel A.
In The Journal of Pediatrics January 2016 168:193-197
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[AR] Knight, Christopher
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