에서 검색결과 99건 | 목록
Academic Journal
McGrath, Jillian; Kman, Nicholas; Danforth, Douglas; Bahner, David P.; Khandelwal, Sorabh; Martin, Daniel R.; Nagel, Rollin; Verbeck, Nicole; Way, David P.; Nelson, Richard
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol 16, Iss 2, Pp 336-343 (2015)
Academic Journal
Malone, Matthew; Way, David P.; Leung, Cynthia G.; Danforth, Douglas; Maicher, Kellen; Vakil, Joanne; Kman, Nicholas; San Miguel, Christopher
Annals of Medicine; Dec2024, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p1-13, 13p
Academic Journal
Roebke, Austin J; Bates, Nathaniel; Jurenovich, Kathryn; Yu, Elizabeth; Karnes, Jonathan; Khan, Safdar; Kman, Nicholas; Groth, Adam; Martin, Kevin D
Academic Journal
Nichols, Courtney N.; Lustberg, Mark; Sobhanie, Mohammed Mahdee E; Niermann, Lucia J; Gordon, Melissa; Kman, Nicholas; Parsons, Jonathan; Conroy, Mark; Dick, Michael; Allen, James; Reed, Erica; Lehman, Joy; Malvestutto, Carlos
Antiviral Therapy; Aug2024, Vol. 29 Issue 4, p1-10, 10p
Academic Journal
Harries, Aaron J; Lee, Carmen; Jones, Lee; Rodriguez, Robert M; Davis, John A; Boysen-Osborn, Megan; Kashima, Kathleen J; Krane, N Kevin; Rae, Guenevere; Kman, Nicholas; Langsfeld, Jodi M; Juarez, Marianne
BMC Medical Education. 21(1)
Academic Journal
Lee, Carmen M.; Juarez, Marianne; Rae, Guenevere; Jones, Lee; Rodriguez, Robert M.; Davis, John A.; Boysen-Osborn, Megan; Kashima, Kathleen J.; Krane, N. Kevin; Kman, Nicholas; Langsfeld, Jodi M.; Harries, Aaron J.
Academic Journal
Branditz, Lauren; King, Andrew; Kaide, Colin; Mitzman, Jennifer; Ostro, Benjamin; Martin, Daniel; Kman, Nicholas; Bahner, David; Werman, Howard; Thema, Tatiana; Barrie, Michael
Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine. 4(4)
Academic Journal
Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine. 4(2)
Back in My Day: A Journal Club Using Landmark Articles for Emergency Medicine-Bound Medical Students
Academic Journal
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health. 21(1)
Academic Journal
King, Andrew; Crawford, Paul; San Miguel, Christopher; Barrie, Michael; Spencer, Sandra; Tyransky, Alyssa; Kman, Nicholas
Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine. 2(4)
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[AR] Kman, Nicholas
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