
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 4,143건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol 15, Iss 3, Pp 189-206 (2008)
Academic Journal
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol 13, Iss 1, Pp 21-30 (2006)
Academic Journal
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol 10, Iss 1, Pp 11-18 (2002)
Academic Journal
Alves Batista, R.Benoit-Lévy, A.Bister, T.Bohacova, M.Bustamante, M.Carvalho, W.Chen, Y.Cheng, L.Chiche, S.Colley, J.M.Correa, P.Cucu Laurenciu, N.Dai, Z.de Almeida, R.M.de Errico, B.de Jong, S.de Mello Neto, J.R.T.de Vries, K.D.Decoene, V.Denton, P.B.Duan, B.Duan, K.Engel, R.Erba, W.Fan, Y.Ferrière, A.Gou, Q.Gu, J.Guelfand, M.Guo, J.Guo, Y.Guépin, C.Gülzow, L.Haungs, A.Havelka, M.He, H.Hivon, E.Hu, H.Huang, X.Huang, Y.Huege, T.Jiang, W.Koirala, R.Kong, C.Kotera, K.Köhler, J.Lago, B.L.Lai, Z.Le Coz, S.Legrand, F.Leisos, A.Li, R.Li, X.Li, Y.Liu, C.Liu, R.Liu, W.Ma, P.Macias, O.Magnard, F.Marcowith, A.Martineau-Huynh, O.McKinley, T.Minodier, P.Mitra, P.Mostafá, M.Murase, K.Niess, V.Nonis, S.Ogio, S.Oikonomou, F.Pan, H.Papageorgiou, K.Pierog, T.Piotrowski, L.W.Prunet, S.Qian, X.Roth, M.Sako, T.Schoorlemmer, H.Szálas-Motesiczky, D.Sławiński, S.Tian, X.Timmermans, A.Timmermans, C.Tobiska, P.Tsirigotis, A.Tueros, M.Vittakis, G.Wang, H.Wang, J.Wang, S.Wang, X.Wei, D.Wei, F.Wu, X.Xu, X.Yang, F.Yang, L.Yang, X.Yuan, Q.Zarka, P.Zeng, H.Zhang, C.Zhang, J.Zhang, K.Zhang, P.Zhang, Q.Zhang, S.Zhang, Y.Zhou, H.
In Computer Physics Communications March 2025 308
Academic Journal
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Comput. Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 21(6):5650-5666 Jan, 2024
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