에서 검색결과 313건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Veale, M.C.; Booker, P.; Church, I.; Jones, L.L.; Lipp, J.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Wilson, M.D.; Chsherbakov, I.; Kolesnikova, I.; Lozinskaya, A.; Novikov, V.; Tolbanov, O.; Tyazhev, A.; Zarubin, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 February 2022 1025
Neural dysfunction in ADHD with Reading Disability during a word rhyming Continuous Performance Task
Academic Journal
Mohl, B.; Ofen, N.; Jones, L.L.; Robin, A.L.; Rosenberg, D.R.; Diwadkar, V.A.; Casey, J.E.; Stanley, J.A.
In Brain and Cognition October 2015 99:1-7
Academic Journal
In: Mindfulness . (Mindfulness, December 2023, 14(12):2917-2931)
Academic Journal
Markar, S.R.; Guazzelli, A.; Taylor, A.; Jones, L.L.; Maynard, N.; Dutton, S.; Jogarah, V.; Brittain, C.; Cromwell, D.; Landeiro, F.; Underwood, T.; Lagergren, J.; Gleeson, F.; Moss, A.; Crosby, T.
In: British Journal of Surgery . (British Journal of Surgery, October 2023, 110(10):1359-1360)
Academic Journal
Veale, M.C.; Bell, S.; Cline, B.D.; Church, I.; Cross, S.; Day, C.; French, M.; Gardiner, T.; Ghorbanian, N.; Hart, M.D.; Jones, L.L.; Lipp, J.; Nicholls, T.; Nobes, J.; Prydderch, M.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Sole, D.; Wilson, M.D.; Dhamgaye, V.; Fox, O.; Sawhney, K.
In: Journal of Instrumentation . (Journal of Instrumentation, 1 July 2023, 18(7))
Academic Journal
Judson, D.S.; Boston, A.J.; Coleman-Smith, P.J.; Cullen, D.M.; Hardie, A.; Harkness, L.J.; Jones, L.L.; Jones, M.; Lazarus, I.; Nolan, P.J.; Pucknell, V.; Rigby, S.V.; Seller, P.; Scraggs, D.P.; Simpson, J.; Slee, M.; Sweeney, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 2011 652(1):587-590
Academic Journal
Jones, L.L.; Jolly, K.; Cross-Sudworth, F.; Clarke, J.; Costello, B.D.; Danks, E.; Byrne, A.; Fassam-Wright, M.; Latthe, P.; Taylor, J.; Adbi, A.; Abdi, H.; Abdi, H.
In: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . (BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, April 2023, 130(5):531-540)
Academic Journal
In Scripta Materialia 2010 62(8):582-585
Academic Journal
Cullington, H.E.; Jiang, D.; Driver, S.; Rocca, C.; Broomfield, S.J.; Chung, M.; Edwards, D.; Koleva, T.; Meakin, H.; Vanat, Z.H.; Craddock, L.C.; Gallacher, J.M.; Jones, L.L.; Martin, J.; Nash, R.; Schramm, D.R.; Willmott, N.S.
In: Cochlear Implants International . (Cochlear Implants International, 2023, 24(S1):S1-S13)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice . (Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 1 January 2023, 29(1):47-50)
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[AR] Jones, L.L.
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