에서 검색결과 170건 | 목록
Academic Journal
2023 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID) Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), 2023 IEEE Research and Applications of. :1-2 Sep, 2023
Haefner, David P.; Holst, Gerald C.; Watson, Thomas Pascarella; Dasgupta, Apratim; Foti, Daniel; Jacobs, Eddie L.
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2024, Vol. 13045 Issue: 1 p130450I-130450I-5, 1174056p
Haefner, David P.; Holst, Gerald C.; Jacobs, Eddie L.; Renshaw, Kyle; Driggers, Ronald G.; Furxhi, Orges; Conroy, Joseph
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2024, Vol. 13045 Issue: 1 p130450E-130450E-10, 12914561p
Nguyen, Hoa G.; Muench, Paul L.; Diltz, Robert; Le, Peter; Watson, Thomas; Jacobs, Eddie L.; Wang, Lan; Conroy, Joseph
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2024, Vol. 13055 Issue: 1 p130550J-130550J-11, 12924462p
Academic Journal
Sanford, Brooke A.; Zucker-Levin, Audrey R.; Williams, John L.; Mihalko, William M.; Jacobs, Eddie L.
In Gait & Posture July 2012 36(3):609-613
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. :3525-3528 Jul, 2017
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. :1440-1443 Aug, 2014
Holst, Gerald C.; Haefner, David P.; Ramirez, Alfredo J.; Renshaw, Kyle; Driggers, Ron; Conroy, Joseph; Jacobs, Eddie L.
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2023, Vol. 12533 Issue: 1 p125330H-125330H-12, 12407683p
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[AR] Jacobs, Eddie L.
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