에서 검색결과 9건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Engineering Fracture Mechanics 25 November 2024 311
Research on the P‐S‐N Curve Fitting Method of Notched Specimens Considering Small Sample Properties.
Academic Journal
Hu, Juntai; Zhang, Keyong; Wang, Guanrui; Gen, Xin; Jia, Zihao; Lei, Sa; Jin, Yaoke; Qiu, Jun; Shen, Yatao
2020 13th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA) ICICTA Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), 2020 13th International Conference on. :712-716 Oct, 2020
Academic Journal
Advanced Engineering Materials; Aug2022, Vol. 24 Issue 8, p1-11, 11p
Academic Journal
Tian, Shuangshuang; Zhang, Xiaoxing; Cressault, Yann; Hu, Juntai; Wang, Bo; Xiao, Song; Li, Yi; Kabbaj, Narjisse
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Metals (2075-4701); Jul2021, Vol. 11 Issue 7, p1055-1055, 1p
Academic Journal
Tian, Shuangshuang; Zhang, Xiaoxing; Cressault, Yann; Hu, Juntai; Wang, Bo; Xiao, Song; Li, Yi; Kabbaj, Narjisse
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[AR] Hu, Juntai
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