ieee security & privacy (6)
acm international conference proceeding series (5)
acm transactions on internet technology (5)
humanities & social sciences communications (5)
information polity: the international journal of government & democracy in the information age (5)
games (20734336) (4)
international journal of communication systems (4)
business & information systems engineering (3)
human-computer interaction (3)
ieee access (3)
ieee transactions on systems, man & cybernetics: part c - applications & reviews (3)
journal of cybersecurity (3)
proceedings of the european conference on information systems (ecis) (3)
regulation & governance (3)
2014 ieee 27th computer security foundations symposium, computer security foundations symposium (csf), 2014 ieee 27th (2)
2018 ieee international conference on internet of things (ithings) and ieee green computing and communications (greencom) and ieee cyber, physical and social computing (cpscom) and ieee smart data (smartdata), internet of things (ithings) and ieee green computing and communications (greencom) and ieee cyber, physical and social computing (cpscom) and ieee smart data (smartdata), 2018 ieee international conference on (2)
acm transactions on intelligent systems & technology (2)
acm transactions on internet technology (toit) - special issue on computational ethics and accountability, special issue on economics of security and privacy and regular papers (2)
communications & strategies (2)
financial cryptography and data security (2)
first monday (2)
games (2)
humanities and social sciences communications (2)
ieee pervasive computing (2)
ieee transactions on software engineering (2)
informatik spektrum: organ der gesellschaft fur informatik e.v. und mit ihr assoziierter organisationen (2)
information & computer security (2)
social sciences (2076-0760) (2)
2009 international conference on game theory for networks, game theory for networks, 2009. gamenets '09. international conference on (1)
2015 ieee 28th computer security foundations symposium, computer security foundations symposium (csf), 2015 ieee 28th (1)
2017 apwg symposium on electronic crime research (ecrime), electronic crime research (ecrime), 2017 apwg symposium on (1)
2019 apwg symposium on electronic crime research (ecrime), electronic crime research (ecrime), 2019 apwg symposium on (1)
2019 ieee/acm 41st international conference on software engineering (icse), software engineering (icse), 2019 ieee/acm 41st international conference on, icse (1)
2020 apwg symposium on electronic crime research (ecrime), electronic crime research (ecrime), 2020 apwg symposium on (1)
2021 36th ieee/acm international conference on automated software engineering (ase), automated software engineering (ase), 2021 36th ieee/acm international conference on, ase (1)
2021 ieee symposium on security and privacy (sp), security and privacy (sp), 2021 ieee symposium on, sp (1)
21st european signal processing conference (eusipco 2013), signal processing conference (eusipco), 2013 proceedings of the 21st european (1)
24th international symposium on research in attacks, intrusions and defenses (1)
acm transactions on intelligent systems and technology (tist) (1)
adjunct publication of the 27th conference on user modeling, adaptation and personalization (1)
annual computer security applications conference (1)
business & information systems engineering: the international journal of wirtschaftsinformatik (1)
decision and game theory for security (1)
dissertation abstract international (1)
dissertation abstracts international (1)
games (basel) (1)
humboldt university of berlin, interdisciplinary research project 373: quantification and simulation of economic processes, sfb 373 discussion papers (1)
i/s: a journal of law and policy for the information society (1)
journal of information policy (1)
proquest llc (1)