에서 검색결과 89건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Burman, N.; Wilkinson, R.A.; Santiago-Frangos, A.; Graham, A.B.; Zahl, T.; Henriques, W.S.; Buyukyoruk, M.; Wiedenheft, B.; Belukhina, S.; Skutel, M.; Chechenina, A.; Isaev, A.; Depardieu, F.; Rouillon, C.; Saudemont, B.; Bikard, D.; Livenskyi, A.; Severinov, K.; Morozova, N.; Shyrokova, L.; Kurata, T.; Hauryliuk, V.; Groseille, J.; Thierry, A.; Koszul, R.; Tesson, F.; Bernheim, A.
In: Nature . (Nature, 10 October 2024, 634(8033):424-431)
Academic Journal
Santiago-Frangos, A.; Henriques, W.S.; Wiegand, T.; Buyukyoruk, M.; Graham, A.B.; Wilkinson, R.A.; Triem, L.; Wiedenheft, B.; Gauvin, C.C.; Neselu, K.; Eng, E.T.; Lander, G.C.
In: Nature Structural and Molecular Biology . (Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, November 2023, 30(11):1675-1685)
Hennessy, R.G.; Shulaker, M.M.; Messana, M.W.; Graham, A.B.; Klejwa, N.; Provine, J.; Kenny, T.W.; Howe, R.T.
2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS), 2011 16th International. :1950-1953 Jun, 2011
Ng, E.; Yang, Y.; Hong, V.A.; Ahn, C.H.; Heinz, D.B.; Flader, I.; Chen, Y.; Everhart, C.L.M.; Kim, B.; Melamud, R.; Candler, R.N.; Hopcroft, M.A.; Salvia, J.C.; Yoneoka, S.; Graham, A.B.; Agarwal, M.; Messana, M.W.; Chen, K.L.; Lee, H.K.; Wang, S.; Bahl, G.; Qu, V.; Chiang, C.F.; Kenny, T.W.; Partridge, A.; Lutz, M.; Yama, G.; O'Brien, G.J.
2015 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on. :1-2 Jan, 2015
Graham, A.B.; Messana, M.; Hartwell, P.; Provine, J.; Yoneoka, S.; Kim, B.; Melamud, R.; Howe, R.T.; Kenny, T.W.
2009 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 2009. MEMS 2009. IEEE 22nd International Conference on. :745-748 Jan, 2009
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Animal Science . (Journal of Animal Science, 4 November 2019, 97(11):4635-4646)
Academic Journal
Hong, V.A.; Yoneoka, S.; Messana, M.W.; Graham, A.B.; Salvia, J.C.; Branchflower, T.T.; Ng, E.J.; Kenny, T.W.
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems J. Microelectromech. Syst. Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of. 24(2):351-359 Apr, 2015
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Animal Science . (Journal of Animal Science, 1 October 2014, 92(10):4585-4597)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Animal Science . (Journal of Animal Science, 2014, 92(2):604-611)
Academic Journal
Graham, A.B.; Goodband, R.D.; Tokach, M.D.; Derouchey, J.M.; Updike, J.J.; Dritz, S.S.; Nitikanchana, S.
In: Journal of Animal Science . (Journal of Animal Science, August 2014, 92(8):3610-3623)
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