에서 검색결과 171건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Tyazhev, A.; Idlahcen, S.; Godin, T.; Hideur, A.; Bae, J.E.; Loiko, P.; Guillemot, L.; Camy, P.; Gaulke, M.; Heidrich, J.; Golling, M.; Keller, U.
In: Optics Express . (Optics Express, 22 April 2024, 32(9):15093-15105)
Academic Journal
Normani, S.; Loiko, P.; Guillemot, L.; Camy, P.; Idlahcen, S.; Hatim, S.; Hanzard, P.-H.; de Paula, A.R.; Godin, T.; Hideur, A.; Berthelot, T.; Cozic, S.; Poulain, S.; Koivusalo, E.; Guina, M.
In: Optics Express . (Optics Express, 22 April 2024, 32(9):15106-15114)
Academic Journal
Guezennec, T.; Idlahcen, S.; Cervera, A.; Hanzard, P.-H.; Godin, T.; Hideur, A.; Landais, D.; Provino, L.; Haboucha, A.
In: Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications . (Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 2024, 20(1))
Academic Journal
Granger, G.; Delahaye, H.; Jimenez, C.; Tiliouine, I.; Leventoux, Y.; Orlianges, J.-C.; Couderc, V.; Février, S.; Bailly, M.; Grisard, A.; Lallier, E.; Gérard, B.; Becheker, R.; Idlahcen, S.; Godin, T.; Hideur, A.
In: Light: Science and Applications . (Light: Science and Applications, December 2023, 12(1))
Academic Journal
In Optics Communications 1 April 2011 284(7):1975-1981
Academic Journal
In: Light: Science and Applications . (Light: Science and Applications, December 2022, 11(1))
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2019 Conference on. :1-1 Jun, 2019
Academic Journal
Becheker, R.; Idlahcen, S.; Godin, T.; Hideur, A.; Bailly, M.; Grisard, A.; Lallier, E.; Gerard, B.; Delahaye, H.; Granger, G.; Fèvrier, S.
In: Optics Letters . (Optics Letters, 15 February 2022, 47(4):886-889)
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Algebra and Computation . (International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 1 February 2022, 32(1):159-191)
Boukhaoui, D.; Houard, J.; Blum, I.; Vella, A.; Idlahcen, S.; Godin, T.; Hideur, A.; Amrani, F.; Gérôme, F.; Benabid, F.; Gauthier, D.; Boutu, W.; Merdji, H.
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Advances in Ultrafast Condensed Phase Physics IV. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2024, 12992)
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[AR] Godin, T.
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