에서 검색결과 91건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Kumar, Neeraj; Chaudhary, Ankur; Ahlawat, O.P.; Naorem, Anandkumar; Upadhyay, Ganesh; Chhokar, R.S.; Gill, S.C.; Khippal, Anil; Tripathi, S.C.; Singh, G.P.
In Soil & Tillage Research April 2023 228
Academic Journal
Ahlawat, O.P.; Khippal, A.; Chhokar, R.S.; Gill, S.C.; Kashyap, P.L.; Kharub, A.S.; Kumar, L.; Kumar, N.; Sheoran, S.; Singh, G.; Venkatesh, K.; Sharma, A.; Kumari, K.
In: Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition . (Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, December 2024, 24(4):7651-7668)
Academic Journal
In: Crop Protection . (Crop Protection, July 2024, 181)
Academic Journal
Krishnan, P.; Sharma, R.K.; Dass, Anchal; Kukreja, Ankur; Srivastav, Ravi; Singhal, Ruchika Jain; Bandyopadhyay, K.K.; Lal, Khajanchi; Manjaiah, K.M.; Chhokar, R.S.; Gill, S.C.
In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture September 2016 127:324-335
Academic Journal
Levis, M.J.; Jones, R.J.; Hamadani, M.; Logan, B.; Horowitz, M.M.; Singh, A.K.; Litzow, M.; Wingard, J.R.; Papadopoulos, E.B.; Perl, A.E.; Soiffer, R.J.; Ustun, C.; Ueda Oshima, M.; Uy, G.L.; Waller, E.K.; Vasu, S.; Solh, M.; Mishra, A.; Muffly, L.; Kim, H.-J.; Mikesch, J.-H.; Najima, Y.; Onozawa, M.; Thomson, K.; Nagler, A.; Wei, A.H.; Marcucci, G.; Geller, N.L.; Hasabou, N.; Delgado, D.; Rosales, M.; Hill, J.; Gill, S.C.; Nuthethi, R.; King, D.; Wittsack, H.; Mendizabal, A.; Devine, S.M.; Chen, Y.-B.
In: Journal of Clinical Oncology . (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 20 May 2024, 42(15):1766-1775)
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Plant Production . (International Journal of Plant Production, March 2024, 18(1):85-95)
Academic Journal
Sawa, M.; Miyamoto, T.; Kim, H.-J.; Hiramatsu, Y.; Cheong, J.-W.; Ikezoe, T.; Naoe, T.; Akashi, K.; Morita, S.; Kosako, M.; Ikegaya, M.; Terada, W.; Kadokura, T.; Hill, J.; Gill, S.C.; Heinloth, A.; Hasabou, N.; Miyawaki, S.
In: International Journal of Hematology . (International Journal of Hematology, 2024)
Academic Journal
Pratz, K.W.; Perl, A.E.; Cherry, M.; Altman, J.K.; Cooper, B.W.; Podoltsev, N.A.; Cruz, J.C.; Lin, T.L.; Schiller, G.J.; Jurcic, J.G.; Asch, A.; Wu, R.; Hill, J.E.; Gill, S.C.; James, A.J.; Rich, E.S.; Hasabou, N.; Levis, M.J.
In: Journal of Clinical Oncology . (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 10 September 2023, 41(26):4236-4246)
Chapter 17 - Optimization of resources for sustainable wheat productivity and enhanced profitability
In Improving Cereal Productivity through Climate Smart Practices 2021:289-311
Academic Journal
In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis . (Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2023, 54(13):1848-1864)
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