에서 검색결과 75건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Restoration Ecology . (Restoration Ecology, November 2024, 32(8))
Academic Journal
Garbowski, M.; Laughlin, D.C.; Blumenthal, D.M.; Sofaer, H.R.; Barnett, D.T.; Beaury, E.M.; Buonaiuto, D.M.; Corbin, J.D.; Dukes, J.S.; Early, R.; Nebhut, A.N.; Petri, L.; Vilà, M.; Pearse, I.S.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1 October 2024, 121(40))
Academic Journal
Winkler, D.E.; Garbowski, M.; Kožić, K.; Rosche, C.; Ladouceur, E.; Martin, S.; Roscher, C.; Korell, L.; Larson, J.; Slate, M.L.
In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution . (Methods in Ecology and Evolution, March 2024, 15(3):464-476)
Academic Journal
Weidlich, E.W.A.; Amaral, V.; Lengefeld, E.; Reis, B.P.; Garbowski, M.; Martelli, E.; Moraes, L.F.D.; Murphy, S.D.
In: Restoration Ecology . (Restoration Ecology, 2024)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Posthuman Studies . (Journal of Posthuman Studies, December 2023, 7(2):112-128)
Academic Journal
Garbowski, M.; Jurburg, S.; Ladouceur, E.; Roscher, C.; Harpole, S.; Boughton, E.; Sonnier, G.; Ebeling, A.; Fay, P.; Hautier, Y.; Holz, H.; Jentsch, A.; Martina, J.; Ohlert, T.; Raynaud, X.; Tognetti, P.M.; Yahdjian, L.; Wilfahrt, P.
In: Journal of Ecology . (Journal of Ecology, October 2023, 111(10):2134-2145)
Academic Journal
Taher, A.T.; Cappellini, M.D.; Kattamis, A.; Voskaridou, E.; Perrotta, S.; Tartaglione, I.; Piga, A.G.; Filosa, A.; Porter, J.B.; Coates, T.D.; Forni, G.L.; Thompson, A.A.; Musallam, K.M.; Backstrom, J.T.; Esposito, O.; Miteva, D.; Zinger, T.; Shetty, J.K.; Giuseppi, A.C.; Kuo, W.-L.; Lord-Bessen, J.; Yucel, A.; Viprakasit, V.; Buaboonnam, J.; Ekwattanakit, S.; Khunhapinant, A.; Loka, E.; Moraki, M.; Flevari, P.; Dimopoulou, M.; Bartzi, V.; Daadaa, H.; El Hasbani, G.; Koussa, S.; Ammendola, F.; Scianguetta, S.; Puglia, M.; Ferrara, I.; Ferrero, G.; Gaglioti, C.; Longo, F.; Turrini, S.; Voi, V.; Cassinerio, E.; De, A.; Graziadei, G.; Marcon, A.; Migone De Amicis, M.; Motta, I.; Cinque, P.; Pannone, B.; Ricchi, P.; Balocco, M.; Carrara, P.; Della Rovere, F.; Lamagna, M.; Pinto, V.; Quintino, S.; Eleftheriou, P.; Garbowski, M.; de Kreuk, A.; Carson, S.; Denton, C.; Hofstra, T.; Veluswamy, S.; Wood, J.; Badawy, S.; Bercovitz, R.; Bhat, R.; Calamaras, D.; Liem, R.; Mack, A.
In: The Lancet Haematology . (The Lancet Haematology, October 2022, 9(10):e733-e744)
Academic Journal
Vlachodimitropoulou, E.; Anne Solomon, S.; Abbasi, N.; Seaward, G.; Windrim, R.; Keunen, J.; Kelly, E.; Van Mieghem, T.; Shehata, N.; Ryan, G.; Garbowski, M.
In: British Journal of Haematology . (British Journal of Haematology, February 2022, 196(4):1096-1104)
Academic Journal
Ladouceur, E.; Garbowski, M.; Harpole, W.S.; Knight, T.; Chase, J.M.; Shackelford, N.; Bouazza, K.; Brudvig, L.; Bucharova, A.; Conradi, T.; Erickson, T.E.; Garvy, K.; Jones, H.P.; Nsikani, M.M.; Paterno, G.; Suding, K.; Temperton, V.M.; Török, P.; Winkler, D.E.
In: Ecological Solutions and Evidence . (Ecological Solutions and Evidence, January–March 2022, 3(1))
Academic Journal
Reader, J.; Savin-Baden, M.; Jandrić, P.; Peters, M.A.; Barnett, R.; Garbowski, M.; Lipińska, V.; Rider, S.; Bhatt, I.; Clarke, A.; Hashemi, M.; Fawns, T.; Knox, J.; Bevan, A.; Trozzo, E.; MacKenzie, A.; Aldern, J.J.; Matias, C.E.; Stewart, G.T.; Mika, C.; McLaren, P.; Jackson, L.; Hood, N.; Tesar, M.; Fuller, S.; Baker, C.
In: Postdigital Science and Education . (Postdigital Science and Education, October 2021, 3(3):934-965)
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[AR] Garbowski, M.
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