에서 검색결과 52건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Electrochimica Acta 1 June 2022 416
Academic Journal
Simoska, Olja; Gaffney, Erin M.; Minteer, Shelley D.; Franzetti, Andrea; Cristiani, Pierangela; Grattieri, Matteo; Santoro, Carlo
In Current Opinion in Electrochemistry December 2021 30
Academic Journal
Dong, Fangyuan; Lee, Yoo Seok; Gaffney, Erin M.; Grattieri, Matteo; Haddadin, Helena; Minteer, Shelley D.; Chen, Hui
In Cell Reports Physical Science 23 June 2021 2(6)
Academic Journal
In Current Opinion in Electrochemistry October 2020 23:26-30
Academic Journal
Gaffney, Erin M.; Grattieri, Matteo; Beaver, Kevin; Pham, Jennie; McCartney, Caitlin; Minteer, Shelley D.
In Electrochimica Acta 20 March 2020 337
Academic Journal
Guynn, Isaac P.A.; Beaver, Kevin; Gaffney, Erin M.; Zani, Ana Bonizol; Dantanarayana, Ashwini; Minteer, Shelley D.
In Cell Reports Physical Science 21 June 2023 4(6)
Academic Journal
Simoska, Olja; Cummings Jr., Dale A.; Gaffney, Erin M.; Langue, Claire; Primo, Tommy G.; Weber, Courtney J.; Witt, Corbin E.; Minteer, Shelley D.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering; 8/14/2023, Vol. 11 Issue 32, p11855-11866, 12p
Academic Journal
Journal of Applied Biomechanics; Apr2018, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p151-158, 8p, 1 Diagram, 1 Chart, 4 Graphs
Academic Journal
Simoska, Olja; Rhodes, Zayn; Weliwatte, Samali; Cabrera‐Pardo, Jaime R.; Gaffney, Erin M.; Lim, Koun; Minteer, Shelley D.
ChemSusChem; 4/9/2021, Vol. 14 Issue 7, p1674-1686, 13p
Academic Journal
Journal of The Electrochemical Society; Feb2021, Vol. 168 Issue 2, p1-7, 7p
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[AR] Gaffney, Erin M.
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